Monday, December 31, 2012

My letter to President Putin

I sent Putin's assistant at the Kremlin my individual letter for Putin. Here is his response
отлично..хорошее письмо...)я передав это Путину)

English translation:
 excellent .. good writing ...) I'm passing it to Putin)

Here is the English version of my letter

My president,

I appeal to you, in the hope that you reconsider the law prohibiting the adoption of Russian orphans by American families. As the mother of twin daughters, I hate to see crying mother Pauline, because you are his approval of the law did not allow her to take away his daughter in our common homeland of Russia in its new home in the United States.

President Putin, you are the father of Russia and Russian. I ask you, to show the love of a great father and authorizes the transfer of Pauline for permanent residence to the United States with his parents. And let the other orphans who have
  There are loving adoptive families in America, will move to the U.S.. Your kindness to Pauline show Obama and other world leaders your glory.

Adoptive parents love Pauline as you love your own daughters - Mary and Catherine. Pauline's parents never hurt her and never will not allow anyone to harm her. I ask you to change the law and let the orphans find loving families in the U.S..

Rachel Dolgorukov-Impaler-Sharkey

My letter to President Putin in Russian regards his ban on adoption.

Мой президент,

Я обращаюсь к вам, в надежде, что вы пересмотрите закон о запрете усыновления российских сирот американскими семьями. Как матери дочерей-близнецов, мне больно видеть, как плачет мама Полины, потому что вы своим одобрением закона не позволите ей увезти свою дочь из нашей общей родины России в ее новый дом в США.

Президент Путин, вы являетесь отцом России и русских. Прошу Вас, проявите любовь великого отца и санкционируйте переезд Полины на постоянное проживание в Америку с родителями. И пусть другие сироты, у которых имеются любящие приемные семьи в Америке, переедут в США. Ваша доброта к Полине покажет Обаме и другим мировым лидерам Ваше величие.

Приемные родители любят Полину так же, как вы любите своих родных дочерей - Марию и Екатерину. Родители Полины никогда не причинят ей вреда и никогда никому не позволят причинить ей вред. Я прошу Вас изменить закон и позволить сиротам обрести любящие семьи в США.

С уважением,
Рэйчел Долгорукова-Цепеш-Шарки

I will keep you updated. As of this moment, Jonathon and I are to meet with Putin at the Kremlin about this matter.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Take all the guns from Americans

It is no secret I want to be President Putin's successor. What I am about to write, are my thoughts as the future Empress of Russia.

3.5 months before my birth, my country collapsed. I believe the reasons are; 1) Mikhail Gorbachev was a pathetic idiot. A disgrace to the spirit of the USSR. 2) USA President Reagan was a determined leader, who wanted to defeat his foe. And to do so, without the use of military force. If Reagan would have been the leader of USSR, my country would have conquered the world.

Americans want to take the rights of gun ownership away from law abiding citizens. I hope this does happen, right after I succeed Putin. I will order Jonathon to have my military invade and conquer America.

I will not do this to hurt Americans. But, to make sure China nor another country invades USA.
I love making movies. There is no way, I want another country to take over Hollywood. I have the #1 film company in Russia. It is only right, if USA becomes vulnerable to invasion, I should be the one to do so.

There is no way I want to ruin Hollywood. So, I will protect it :))

I read a news story today. The article stated more Americans are killed and hurt each year by drunk drivers than gun violence.

To those who want to take guns away, if you want to protect Americans, you better start by taking away alcohol and cars. Because they hurt and kill more Americans than guns.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Gun rights

My American Friends, if you list to this idiot and those who support gun control, you will lose all the precious freedoms. The only people who will have guns, are criminals, terrorists, cops, military and the invading army who will take over USA.

If Americans lose their guns, and if I am president of Russia, I will conquer USA. Not to enslave you. But, to tell you government, how stupid they are. Then, I'll have them face a firing squad.

NBC should fire Costas for his comments Costas Comments. Your constitution gives you the right to have guns. Why would you want to give or lose this right? We have guns. If someone breaks into our home, they will be taken away in pieces.

Look at history. Citizens who lost their guns, lost their liberties and rights. Do you not think, there are terrorists cells in USA already?

My president is investing $770B to make Russia the most stocked military. Do you think any country would ever try to invade or attack Russia?

In August '12, I punched Jonathon in the face. If he didn't have self control, he could have beaten me to death.

I'm sure the football player in Kansas city could have snapped his girlfriend's neck. It seems, assholes who kill women with guns, don't have the guts to kill them with their hands. If they did, idiots would be calling for men to have their hands cut off.

People who want to kill, do not need a gun to do so. Guns, knifes, bats, swords, poisons and fists can be used as weapons. As well as for positive things.   Guns can be used to hunt for meat. Knifes can carve the meat. Bats can be used to play baseball. Swords chop up your prey to prepare to eat. Poisons can be used to kill bugs, mice and rats. And hands can be used by a surgeon to heal the sick.

Its how the holder of the object intends on using it. People should not judge everyone the same.  

Friday, November 23, 2012

Is Russian President Vladimir Putin too passive?

I was born about 4.5 months after the collapse of the Soviet Union. I was conceived while the USSR was in existence, so, I am a Soviet girl.

In my mind, the collapse of the Soviet Union was because President Mikhail Gorbachev was a weak, stupid, pathetic, gutless leader who bowed to USA President Ronald Reagan. I admit, Reagan was a great ruler. Too bad he wasn't Russian. If he was, there would only be one super power; Soviet Union.

Those who know me, know who my hubby is. And they know Jonathon thinks Vlad The Impaler was a God. Vlad Tepes was a great warrior. He showed no mercy to his enemies or criminals. How many rulers could place a Gold Chalice at a public drinking fountain, and never have to worry about it being stolen?

USA has one of the worst presidents in the history of the world. Obama to his credit, is smart enough to beg Russia

It is satisfying to see a USA president beg Russia. Especially after what Reagan did to the USSR.

I am noticing, Putin is becoming more and more like Mikhail Gorbachev. He is becoming soft. Pussy Riot protested in a church against Putin. I am not christian. But, if I was president of Russia, I would have ordered them to be executed. Not only because they protested against me. But, because they protested in a church on sacred ground. Pussy Riot, showed no respect to the christian patrons of the church. This is wrong.

Though most christians are not accepting of my beliefs, I am of theirs. As such, Pussy Riot, should be executed for defamation against the followers of the christian God.

Putin's failure to not act properly against the girls, shows me, he was become weak. And weakness leads to collapse.

Putin is no Genghis Khan. Those who know your history, are aware how Khan slaughtered his enemies and killed millions. He ruled. If Putin was like Khan, the Soviet Union would have been reformed by now.

The once mighty empire is no more. The pieces still remind. Those who remember the feeling of power and safety, still live. Why has Putin not first tried diplomatic means to reform the great empire? I am sure countries like South Ossetia who are beholden to Putin would agree to reform the once mighty empire,8599,1831857,00.html

And I doubt Georgia wants its ass kick again.

Why has Putin not done this? Why does he let the USA influence weak minded Russians to protest against him? Why does he allow less desirables to live and spread their poisons unto weak minded Russians? Why are muslims and islamics allowed to live in Russia? Why does he allow human trash to grow fungus? And why does he allow his citizens to starve?

And above all. Is he has tough as he says he is? I think not. I admit, one on one, Putin could kill me. But, I'm not one. I have another half. My hubby, who is known as; The Impaler. He stands almost 6' and weights 230 pounds. And, he was trained to kill Russians and Soviets.

This coming week, he is having his protective suit made for his movie roles when he stars as his ancestor; Vlad The Impaler. Jonathon's suit will be a combination of; The Dark Knight, Iron Man and Thor. How cool is it, the VA is paying for this? The suit will make Jonathon in many ways, invincible.

If the Kremlin and Putin doesn't like what I am saying, then I challenge Putin and anyone else in the Kremlin to face my warrior for control of Russia. My family bloodline is deeper than Putin's. My hubby's bloodline is to one of the world's most deadliest warriors. My money is on the guy who would kill his own children and me, if we ever crossed him.

Anyone can buy or stage an election. But, a true royal, has in their blood, the fire to rule. The burning desire to make the lives of their subjects better. Money can't buy this.

Either way, I think Russia needs a better ruler. Someone who will not show mercy to their attackers. Someone who will reform the great empire. Someone who will bring peace and stability to the great empire.

This person is the one who's film company is #1 in Russia. I refuse to once again live in a weak Russia. I want to live in a great Russia. A Russia, where idiots like Pussy Riot would never dream of protesting. Especially on sacred ground. A Russia, where human trash is burnt to ashes. A Russia, where muslims and islamic will run back to the Middle East, through an impaled forrest of their fellow believers.

In closing I say  This is war   

A warning to the people
The good and the evil
This is war
To the soldier, the civillian
The martyr, the victim
This is war

It's the moment of truth and the moment to lie
The moment to live and the moment to die
The moment to fight, the moment to fight, to fight, to fight, to fight

To the right, to the left
We will fight to the death
To the Edge of the Earth
It's a brave new world from the last to the first

To the right, to the left
We will fight to the death
To the Edge of the Earth
It's a brave new world
It's a brave new world

A warning to the prophet, the liar, the honest
This is war
To the leader, the pariah, the victim, the messiah
This is war

It's the moment of truth and the moment to lie
The moment to live and the moment to die
The moment to fight, the moment to fight, to fight, to fight, to fight

To the To the left

We will fight to the death
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
From the last to the first

To the right
To the left
We will fight to the death
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
It's a brave new world
It's a brave new world

I do believe in the light
Raise your hands up to the sky
The fight is done
The war is won
Lift your hands
Towards the sun
Towards the sun
Towards the sun
Towards the sun
The war is won

It's the moment of truth and the moment to lie
The moment to live and the moment to die
The moment to fight, the moment to fight, to fight, to fight, to fight

To the right
To the left
We will fight to the death
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
From the last to the first

To the right
To the left
We will fight to the death
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
It's a brave new world
It's a brave new world

A brave new world
The war is won
The war is won
A brave new world

I believe in nothing
Not the end and not the start
I believe in nothing
Not the earth and not the stars
I believe in nothing
Not the day and not the dark
I believe in nothing
But the beating of our hearts
I believe in nothing
One hundred suns until we part
I believe in nothing
Not in satan, not in god
I believe in nothing
Not in peace and not in war
I believe in nothing
But the truth of who we are

Враг моего врага — мой союзник.

Rakhil Dolgorukov Tepes Sharkey

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Never fuck with a Russian Princess

What part of, I am a Dolgorukov doesn't fuckin dumb ass Americans understand? I admit, I do not talk like a noble. Well, I do. Though usually, a noble will not publicly speak such words. Personally, I don't give a fuck. I talk how I want. You don't like, walk the fuck away.

A certain stupid fuck American decided to challenge my existence on IMDb. What a dumb ass. He must not have read I was a PA in '09 in the movie where Kevin Bacon and Zenee Zellweger were the stars.

Jonathon may think he is hot shit being 2,641 on IMDb's rankings. Its a nice ranking. I know a few people higher than him ;))

This dumb fuck, was just given a harsh reality check by the owner of IMDb. Like I said, I know people, who know people.

To all who read this: fuck with me, and I will totally fuck you up. Really piss me off, and I will show you, I don't need an impaling pole to end your life. All I need to do is make a phone call or send an email.

Do you comprehend how I am?

As far as pixs of Jonathon and me together. There are many. Unlike those on FB, I do not give these away for free. I have expensive taste; Prada, Gucci, Saks, VS, FoH. I want what I want. And at times, Mr. Impaler is unable to afford my taste. So, media pay up ;)) NO FREEBEES.

Friday, September 14, 2012

I'm back to Rakhil Dolgorukov Tepes Sharkey

HI ;))

I concede my hubby is very smart (when he wants to be). Jonathon has more life experience than I. We both made mistakes over the past 13 months together.

Domestic violence is wrong. I should never struck him in the face. Jonathon is a smart ass. And likes surprising me. Most of his surprises are good one.

Today, he said I may resume using the surname of Tepes (YES!). I am happy.

Rakhil Dolgorukov Tepes Sharkey ;)) 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My first "Aggressive Behavior" therapy session

Went to my first "Aggressive Behavior" treatment session today. The therapist was a woman and pregnant. It was a great session, especially after I told her she was a fucking stupid idiot. I felt so much better after that :))

Jonathon told her all about my aggressive behavior and how I developed preeclampsia.
He also told her how I hit him last week, and said I wanted  a divorce.
Jonathon told her he feels I suffer from a hormonal unbalance and this is why I hit him. He did tell her what he said to me, that caused me to hit him.

Though she could understand my anger about what he said, still doesn't give me the right to resort to physical violence.

She asked me what I would have done if he hit me back. I told her, I would have waited for him to fall asleep, then I would have chopped his head off with my Russian sickle ;)) I guess that wasn't the smartest thing to say. But, she asked me.

She agreed with Jonathon, I should go to Russia next week by myself. Thats when I called her a fucking stupid idiot.

I started feeling like they were ganging up on me. So, I begged Jonathon not to send me to Russian by myself. I even admitted I have developed an addiction.

They both say WHAT! Then I told her, I am addicted to "tail" (you can figure it out). You should have seen her face when I told her we lalala at least 100-150 times a month.

I made Jonathon an offer, I am sure he won't refuse. I told him on the plane ride over to Russia, I would sux him off at night time while we are over the Atlantic. Then, I would let him fuck me in the bathroom. I also said, I would hand job him on the way home, and sux him off right as he was cuming >:))  (which I did) I also agreed, he can fuck me anyway, anyhow, as forceful and violent as he wanted for the whole year of 2013. Or until I become pregnant again. He can take pixs of me while we are fucking, or me suxing his dick and nudes of me, all he wants. I am admitting this on my blog, as part of our agreement. The therapist was in shock. Nothing like causing a PhD to go into complete and utter shock.

When Jonathon said, let's see how you behave between now and next Wednesday. I was so happy, I almost raped him right then and there. I did when we got home.

I am his wife, girlfriend and hoe. I admit this.

The advantage of flying first class overseas is, 2 seats and plenty of room >:))

She wants to see me by myself next Tuesday. I can't wait ;))

What did I learn from my session? My hubby loves and wants me. I love and want him. I should never hit him in the face. Nor any place else, because domestic violence can ruin a marriage. And its fun to fuck with your therapist's head :))  

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I should be allowed to impale

Here's a good question. Jonathon says, as part of my "lesson" for my actions, I need to act as the "MAN" in our home and relationship. I have to be more responsible.

Since I am the "MAN" shouldn't I be allowed to make Jonathon wear Frederick's of Hollywood outfits, stockings and heels, then impale him in bed? If I am to get the full experience, I should be allowed to impale him.

Do you agree?

Monday, August 27, 2012

I really hate Jonathon at times

Jonathon could have made Mother Teresa curse and scream at him. At times, I truly hate him. Last Monday, he pissed me off so fucking bad, I told him I wanted a divorce. He started to laugh at me. Then I hit him in the face. It didn't phase him. But, I busted my hand.

When Jonathon took me to the doctor, the nurse upon hearing how I hurt my hand, was going to report me for domestic violence. WTF? I bust my hand on his jaw, and I get charged criminally.

If I was arrested, could you imagine us standing in front of a judge.

Little me

and Jonathon The Impaler Sharkey

The judge would have laughed at the stupidity of the cops for arresting me.

Jonathon talked the head nurse out of calling the cops on me. I had to agree to go to mental health sessions and work on controlling my "aggressive behavior." So, I have to be a good girl from now on.

Because I said I wanted a divorce, Jonathon is dissolving our marriage. But, he's not leaving me. If I want him as my hubby, I have to court him. Then propose to him. He has told me last week, I can not use the surnames of Tepes and Sharkey until he accepts my proposal.

Well, I am good girl. And the way to Jonathon heart is not through his stomach.
Its through

  Jonathon now says my name is Rakhil Dolgorukov Sharkey :))

I will court him. And I will propose to him. I have no other choice. Our big wedding is set for Dmitrov in a few months. My proposal will be better than any of the stank hoes who has previously proposed to him before. You know who you are.

Does anyone really think I would get rid of my favorite pain in the ass? NEVER! He's all mine <3
I have him by the balls >:))

Friday, July 13, 2012

6 months ago

6 months ago, on Friday the 13th, I married Jonathon. What a roller-coaster ride.  Joy, pain, sorrow, excitement and a few intense fights. And through it all, we are still together.

Next month we will visit my homeland of Russia. I can't wait. We will spend 3-4 weeks there. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Creatures of the Night

What a crazy 2 days. Jonathon almost fired me yesterday. And today, he wasn't much sweeter on set. Then again, he is on the line for $3,000,000 if this movie fails. This could be why he is being so strict. Or it could be another woman. Yeah, I think someone has caught the eye of Mr. impaler. And of course, she is young and Russian. This is all I need. If I get fired, I know why. And I know what I will be handed; divorce papers.

Yesterday, was crazy. His guitar and bass arrived. The bass was broken and had paint on it. WTF? How unprofessional could the company be.
His guitar is great. Today he practiced. And we did a photo shoot
Jonathon can play; Smoke on the water. Just proves how old he is.

This week coming up, Jonathon gets to break in my drum kit. The again, he did have to put it together. I think he is a better drummer than guitar player. I haven't seen hubby on his keyboard. Mainly because it is still in Indianapolis in storage.

Without a doubt, this movie will reveal a lot. And when it is over, I wonder who will still be working and who will be fired. And who is in Jonathon's bed.

I know it won't be this female attorney from Indianapolis in bed with Jonathon. She thinks Jonathon has the hots for her. To her I say; you are too old. You're an American, not Russian. And you helped his most hated enemies. Girl, you are living in the Land of Oz if you still Jonathon would get with you. Well, he might impale you if allowed. But not the way he impales me everyday ;)))

Friday, June 29, 2012

Weapons of Creatures of the Night >:))

It's official, Creatures of the Night principle filming starts on 5.7.12. I am an endorsed artist drummer with Soultone Cymbals and Coffin Case. Jonathon is their primary endorsee. But, after Creatures, I take over the drum duties.  This is my kit
And no vampire, or future vampire would be complete without a coffin. This is what I am keeping my sticks in.

So what is the Impaler going to be playing in Creatures?

Bats on the neck of the guitar. Vlad The Impaler will look awesome with this guitar. 

And Dracula will be rock on this bass. 

At this time, we are unsure what The Creature wants to play. You know how those creatures can be. Just so fussy ;))

I get to be in all of scenes 13 and 20. In 20, I am nude. How about that? Believe me, no way is Jonathon letting my boobs or other parts been seen. That is, if he knows whats good for him. He can suck my nipples on camera all he wants. His hair will be hiding them. I am having a girl film the sex scenes. A lesbian hopefully. Not doing anymore 3-somes with another girl. Been there, done that. 

We are filming the feature and behind the scenes of Creatures. Behind the scenes will be a short film. Enter both into festivals. Hopefully this will help promote the film.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Better than a pair of Pradas

I finally got Jonathon to agree with me this would be the best yacht for us

The catch is, I have to make up the difference from the cost of this yacht and the one he wanted. No biggie :))

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Impaler's wife wears Pradas

Today I found out, my hubby is buying me a new pair of Pradas. They are less than $1,000.
Its nice to be married to someone who loves you and wants to see you happy all the time. Not to mention be with you all the time.

Our movie Training for a Fight is only weeks away from release My hubby is kicking my butt still on IMDb. Jonathon's ranking is 10,646 out of almost 5M people. And his company is ranked 3,741 out of 1M+ companies on IMDb. I am ranked 16,314 and my company RDTS Productions is ranked 21,204. My company was listed on IMDb just a few days ago.

Our next featured film is called; Creature of the Night. And Jonathon gets to rock out big time in this movie. I mean rock out, as in as a rock star. I get to play drums in one scene. I am mostly working behind the camera in this feature.

Given Jonathon's movie idea, as long as I can film this right, when it hits the festivals, I should get a few filming awards. And Jonathon should get his first acting award.

Yesterday was Father's Day. Next year, Jonathon will be celebrating with his twin daughters.

And I can't wait to he gets us tattooed on his left shoulder, like he got me tattooed on his forearm.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The true face of evil >:))

WOW!!!! I'm married to Satan/The Devil/Lucifer or whatever name you want to use. Last night my now ex-gf admitted she was pro-abortion after telling me she wasn't. When I asked her if she was serious about supporting abortion she said: fuck yah i do.

What Kasina does not understand is, Jonathon is more evil, vicious, sadistic and cruel than the stories about. He makes Stalin look like a nun. I am seeing a side of Jonathon which is making me wonder. Are the people who say he is Vlad Tepes incarnate correct?

Kasina forgets I suffered a miscarriage only 2 months ago. Telling me you support killing babies is not a smart thing to do. The scars from my miscarriage will live with me forever. And when I told Jonathon what she said, his eyes looked like flames. I know he takes great pleasure in destroying his enemies. And if you cross him, he will bring you to your knees as part of his punishment.

Three weeks ago, Jonathon took me away for a romantic weekend. He was planning to propose to me Saturday night after dinner. I wanted to go clubbing. This after our bad experience in January here in Tampa. So we went. And sure enough, assholes will be assholes. And I looked like a complete stupid asshole.

As part of my punishment, Jonathon did not propose to me Saturday night, and I had to do something I swore I never would. I had to get on my knees, and suck his dick. He also took pixs of it. I think it is degrading for a woman to get on her knees and suck a guy's dick. The Impaler made sure I was totally degraded that night. Now there are pixs of his dick in my mouth and if the media ever ask for a free pix of us, he is sending them it.

Kasina knew Jonathon was not the sweetest person in the world. Regardless of him also being in love with her. So I wonder what in fucking Hades processed her to say she supported killing unborn babies. Knowing she would provoke the wrath of who I will say is; the evilest man on earth towards his enemies.

Jonathon is a strong supporter of protecting unborn child. Not to mention children in general. Though he does not support abortion of unborn child, he does support the cruelest form of after birth abortion for his enemies and criminals.

Kasina knows Jonathon took his revenge out on my parents for what they did to me, and had them deported back to Russia. He has friends in this and in the Russian government. Russia seems to love what they call: The American Rebel. Since being deported back to Russia, my parents haven't been heard from or seen. It doesn't surprise me.

Now Kasina and her mother are going to Russia. Within one hour this morning, Jonathon had a plan of revenge and started contacting certain people to put his plan in action. Kasina, you have awoken Hades' worst demon in history. Enjoy the rewards of your actions.

When I fuck up with Jonathon, I'm punished. Usually I can pay for my crimes sexually. Thats not all  bad, given the alternative. I'm still being impaled, just not with a 8 foot pole. In Kasina's case, she has nothing to offer Jonathon to undo her stupidity. According to her, she doesn't suck dick. She won't get ass fucked.  I don't think her pussy is gold or better than any pussy he has had. So, she is fucked in Russia. Knowing Jonathon, she may get literally fucked in Russia. Though Jonathon doesn't support raping a woman, he says this belief does not apply to his enemies.

Jonathon contacted Barbra Streisand for Kasina. Wait till the last thing from Barbra arrives. Jonathon wants me to film what he does to it. Pure evil I'm sure.

Murdering unborn children is wrong. She texted me and said; "well you guys are no better cus u kill ppl." Wrong. I've never killed anyone. Jonathon on the other hand, has a justifiable homicide on his record. I saw the pixs of what he did. I say, if they lived through the beating and torture he unleashed, it sucked to be them.

The lesson I am learning from this, there is a fine line between love and hate. Goodness and evil. I am truly married to two different people. Jonathon and the Impaler.

* While typing this, Kasina kept contacting me on my cell. I am done helping her. I am not going to be a victim of Jonathon's vengeance. * As Vlad Tepe's father-in-law said; I don't want to expose you to his vengeance. It is at 8:26 on this video: Well Kasina, I am not exposing myself to Jonathon Tepes' vengeance for you or anyone. Fuck that.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Stanky Hoes

I can not believe how stupid stanky hoes are. They think they can fuck up my life with Jonathon and get away with it. I may not have grown up in Russia, but I was raised with Soviet beliefs. Especially about fucking up people.

In this country, if you call someone a bitch or tell them you want to fight them here, its a crime. Well, Russia is not like USA. In Russia, the Kremlin wants Russians to be tough and strong. You can beat the fuck out of someone and not go to jail. Why? Because Russia believes the strongest should dominate the weak. In Russia, weakness is like a disease. If you are weak, you have no rights calling yourself Russian.

Our people are not weak. We are strong. We do not run to government crying when we are challenged. We fight. And to the death sometimes. My president can beat the fuck out of any world leader. Putin is former KGB. He's not weak and pathetic like other world leaders are. This is why Russia is again superpower.

Jonathon and I have been together since end of August '11. Do hoes think my hubby has not taught be how to seriously hurt people. Jonathon is like Putin. He believes the strong should dominate the weak. If you are confronted by an enemy, you make your enemy curse their own stupidity for ever considering attacking you.  

When I get to Russia, I will show one stank just how Russian I truly am. Between now and when her and I meet, I train as hard as I can. I will unleash my inner Soviet, and become a bear. As we all know, you don't ever want to fuck with a bear. Especially a Russian bear.

Fuck with me, I will beat the fuck out of you.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

My Daughter's Picture

When I give birth, I will be giving birth to twin girls; Hecate-Margaret and Ariel. Jonathon will have his so desired daughter. In this case, daughters.

Here is a computer imaging of what our daughters will look like. One is the original from the computer, and the other I enhanced.

3 Russian girls in one house with Jonathon. OM Goddess, this will be priceless. When they start talking in Russian, I am so setting up cameras to film them interacting with Jonathon. He knows no Russian.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How do you know?

How do you know when you are in love <3 ?

Last week my friend at the time Kasina and I, tore into each other like savage wolves. It wasn't pretty as my previous blog shows. After I sent Kasina my blog we started talking again. It was more of insulting and wanting to beat the fuck out of each other.

There's a saying; there is a fine line between love and hate. This is so true. I realized why I was mad at Kasina wasn't because she got me in trouble with Jonathon, it was because I thought I lost her. During our fighting I realized I had fallen in love with her. I do and will always love Jonathon. And I am glad he loves me. And I understand why he fell in love with Kasina too.

When I finally told her I wanted to be with her, our fighting stopped. Honesty does work ;))/ I can't wait till Kasina and me can make love. I want her so bad.

It is my sincerest hope, Kasina, Jonathon and me can become a family. He loves me. I love him. He loves Kasina. I love Kasina. Kasina loves me. Jonathon is like fine Champagne, he is a taste you must slower acquire. I should know. And once Kasina acquires the taste, all should be grand. A happy loving family.

IMDb did add Kasina on my bio page as my wife. How cool is that? I have a hubby and a wife, who love me. What more can a girl ask for?

How do you know when you are in love? When the thought of suffering a horrible death is better than the thought of being without the one you love.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

To: Kasina Wheeler

Приветствия Kasina,

So, you want to get me in trouble with Jonathon. You worthless Russian traitor. It is Russians like you that caused the collapse of Soviet Union. Like those Russians, you are weak, pathetic, stupid fucking idiot. You have no honor nor courage. You are a disgrace to my homeland. Russians like you, should never be allowed to return home. You and they should be made an outcast.

Yes. I made Jonathon make an agreement with me, so you two could fuck each other brains out. Like a smart woman, realizing my hubby was taking on a lover, because of my medical condition, I wanted to protect myself if he ever decided to leave me and his child for you. Unlike his pathetic first wife, who he left for a 22 year old virgin, I wasn't going to be fucked over. If you and Jonathon decided to start your own life, I made sure my child nor I would be poor. What woman wouldn't want to protect herself and her child financially? It is wise to protect your family. You are idiot. A stupid, worthless, money hungry bitch. 

I am a Dolgorukov. In Russian, my family name is well respected. When I return, I will bring more honor to my name.

Do you know why your parents killed themselves? Because they didn't want to live knowing they created someone like you. A traitor. A loser. A good for nothing sewer rat. No one likes rats. And thats why no one likes you.

When you return to my country, I will be waiting. I will not fight you here. I will wait till you step foot in my country. And when I get my hands on you in Saint Petersburg, I will show all of Russia, especially Jonathon how pathetic and weak you truly are. Jonathon will be so ashamed he wanted you, he will never look at another woman. 

You said to me; "Kasina Wheeler okaa but i'm sure i wouldn't want sex all the time"   You will never have sex with Jonathon. Because he doesn't like losers. And you are the biggest loser ever in the history of Russia. 

You think you are a witch. Well, this Russian is a true witch. And I invoke the Goddess Hecate to kill not only our sick bird, but all the animals you love.  May your life be full of pain, suffering and sorrow. The only reason why I do not ask the Goddess to kill everyone you love, is because you love Jonathon. 

Да здравствует Долгоруковы. 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The American Courts are an evil empire. Not Russia.

Americans claim Russia, especially old Soviet Union was an evil empire.  Ronald Reagan especially felt the Soviet Union as an evil empire in his own words he says I am from the evil empire.  It is the country of Reagan that is the evil empire.

Before I continue, my hubby is a fan of President Reagan. And though Jonathon idolizes Reagan, he is allowing me to express my opinion.

For decades, America's leaders have tried to influence other countries into the American way of thinking. Even when, it is as clear as the sun outside my window, America is extremely dysfunctional.  Especially its court, law enforcement and leaders.

Americans claim my president, Vladimir Putin is a dictator. If this was true, Putin would not have allowed 10's of thousands Russians to publicly protest him before the elections. Let citizens of Cuba, Iran, China, Korea assemble in protest. See how long it takes for military to show up and start executing them.

In the Orlando area in Florida, an innocent teenager was shot to death by what I would describe as a racist. To this day, the murderer is walking free, as the victims family is being victimized by those sworn to protect them. Who is the evil empire? Putin would not tolerate this kind of criminal act. Why does Obama?

Today in the mail, Jonathon received an order from the court in Indiana presiding other the matter regarding his ex-wife killing their child. The death happened in 2008. Jonathon challenged the court regarding the punishment of his ex. It seems after June 30, 2009 the Indiana legislature amended the Child Wrongful Death Statute. The penalties are now harsher for those who murder a child. Jonathon's daughter died in August 2008.  Sucks to be Jonathon. Great to be a murderer.

I am scared to death if I do not give birth to a healthy baby, Jonathon's family in Romania will kill me. They already told me, if something happens to the baby, I better never step foot in Romania. And his American born ex-wife is still walking around free. WTF?

The judge has ordered the sentencing for July 18, 2012. Isn't this nice of the judge. Almost 4 years after Jonathon's daughter was killed, his ex will pay for her actions. Who is the evil empire?

Russia isn't this compassionate. And with Putin back in power, I know my children will never have to live in fear of someone like Jonathon's ex-wife harming them. And lets not forget the land of Vlad. If this happened in Romania, Jonathon's family would have killed her immediately. Shift justice.

No system is perfect. It is clear in America those with money are above the law. Kennedy killed his pregnant secretary. No jail time. No conviction either.

George Bush lied and caused thousands of military to be killed. Is he is jail? No. Why?

I admit, some people, like Jonathon, bring on their own legal problems. Jonathon is vocal and speaks out against the evil American empire.

On Wednesday night, Jonathon and I watched Bill O'Reilly

O'Reilly said "how if you speak out against them, you will be target. Silence the opposition." 

I am sure this government doesn't like hearing my thoughts. Deport me back to Russia. Wait.  I'll be there in 6 months. And happier than I have ever been. I will only have to worry about Jonathon saying hey yo to Russians. May the Goddess give the Russians patience and understanding when they encounter Jonathon. 

Who is the evil empire?  

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I am sick and tired of people telling me and Jonathon, after they find out I had an accident Saturday night, he is the adult in our relationship. WTF am I? 'cause I'm not a child. I am 19 years old. In 18 days I will be 20. When you turn 18, you are considered an adult. I'm almost 2 years into being a legal adult.

Saturday night, Jonathon and I were very passionate in bed. I lost my balance, and fell off our bed. Our bed is higher than most beds because of Jonathon's knees. I landed on the floor. The last thing I needed. So tomorrow I am having surgery. Most of those who knew, were pissed at Jonathon. WTF? Do you not think I enjoy; making love, having sex, or being fucked hard by my hubby? I enjoy it more than you could ever know. Ever since he started taking the shots, he's a sex machine. We had a great sex life before his shots, but now, words can describe it.

I've been told people are offended by my comments about my sex life with Jonathon. Why is it okay for a guy to brag about having sex with multiple women? But, if a woman brags how great her sex life with her hubby, it's taboo. It isn't like I am sleeping around with other guys. I'm with my hubby. I am proud of what I helped create.  

Jonathon went from being fat and old looking, to looking like a hunk. What woman reading this, wouldn't want to have sex with my hubby? That is, if you weren't married or Jonathon wasn't married to me.

Stanky hoes keep sending Jonathon pictures of themselves. Many of the pictures are nudes or half nudes. One of his exes sends him nudes. She sent one of her P to his cell phone, after knowing we were married.

If your hubby was getting pictures like this, what would you do? I can't beat the fuck out of her because I want to give birth to a healthy baby. I can't take anymore chances with my body.

I usually post about my sex life with Jonathon, after someone sends him a picture or an invite. Its my way of letting the hoe know, if I am satisfying Jonathon, why would he want them.

And if I want to brag about my sex life with my hubby, its not a crime. Nor is it a crime for a girl to have multiple organisms.  Organisms are great. Especially when your hubby is the cause of them.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Women are the superior gender

My hubby says in the Garden of Eden, Lucifer told Eve the truth. Women are superior to men, and can make a man do anything we want them to. Lucifer then told Eve, tell Adam to eat the apple. What happened next? Eve walked up to Adam and asked him to eat. And Adam eat the apple.

Since then, women have been able to get men to do what we want them to.

Men may be physically stronger, as far as brut strength.  But, intellectually women are superior. A superior intellect will always prevail over brut force.

No matter the race, women are superior.

Why do I speak of this. Someone on FB posted a picture of a black man holding hands with a white girl. They posted with the picture: Like, if you are not racist <3

Why is it always a black man with a white woman? Because like all men, black men think they are superior. No man is superior to a woman. And sooner men realize they are below us, the better this world will be.

In Russia, there are no black people. This is because of the Soviet Union. I was raised if a black man tried to get with me, to hurt him as badly as I can. In Russia, if a black man disrespected a Russian woman, he would be killed. One way or another.

My hubby Jonathon could snap my neck in seconds. If he ever hit me, if I didn't die from the punch, I certainly would be hospitalized.

Over the weekend I totally fucked up. I didn't cheat on him. I cost him a lot of money. This morning Jonathon found out. The way he looked at me, made me wonder how much his punch would hurt. I was prepared to fly through the air. Fortunately for me,  he stared at me, and walked away.

I never doubted his love for me. Today I realized, Jonathon loves me more than anyone or thing.

No matter what Jonathon says, or anyone else, I have great influence over the fame impaler. And I know, if someone was to piss me off, if I told Jonathon to fuck them up, he would. And he is only getting bigger and stronger.

I strongly believe President Putin will re-form the Soviet Union. And the new Soviet Union will be the one and only true world superpower. And if Obama is re-elected president, it is only a matter of time before Putin takes over the USA. And if he is smart, he would appoint women like Anna Chapman to his cabinet.

I am a Russian woman, born in the Soviet Union. I am proud and superior.

Да здравствует Россия :))

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hi there

Its been a trying few weeks. I haven't posted anything because I have been on bed rest and Jonathon has limited my computer time.

I have preeclampsia and a bacterial infection in my large intestine. My blood pressure was very high a few weeks ago, but, it is getting back close to a normal range.

This has been a very trying time, to say the least. I am blessed my hubby can handle stressful medical situations.

Though my doctor doesn't want me having sex, I am not allowing an opportunity to arise for a stank to get her hooks into Jonathon. Though he's not getting it as much as he is use too, he's still being fed enough ;)) And, I am not denying myself pleasure either.

I should be able to make more postings from now on. I hope everyone had a great Saint Patrick's Day :))

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Да здравствует Путин!

The Russian people have spoken. And once again Vladimir Putin is to become President of Russia. Long live Putin.
I am happy for my country and countrymen. Especially for my unborn children who will be raised in a good country.
Besides my children being very well protective by their father, they will be raised in a country where the actions of criminals who prey upon children is not accepted. Unlike in America, where those who abuse children are not harshly punished.
This is the beginning of a new chapter in Russia's history. And I pray the beginning of the return of the Soviet Union.
May my countrymen remember what one of the founding Americans once said; "United we stand. Divided we fall." This is true for us. If we reform Soviet Union, no one can defeat us.
Да здравствует Путин!

Saturday, March 3, 2012


5 months my hubby looked like this:

an old looking fat man.

Now, after 5 months of training my hubby like a Soviet athlete, he looks like this:

This is what I go to bed with every night. And will for all eternity ;),)

I am far from done working on Jonathon. I rate his body at C-. By the time I give birth to our child, Jonathon will have a rating of A+

Without a doubt, Jonathon's new look will attract more stanks. These stanks better realize: "If your cross a Russian woman, she will have her REVENGE!" And I will not be pregnant forever.

Taking the song a Jim Carrey movie, which happens to be a vampire movie:

Not even a female vampire can take Jonathon from me. And if one was to try, I'd knock all her teeth out, and shove them up her ass.

And in closing, I want to tell all the idiots who mocked Jonathon for being fat, you wish you looked as good as my hubby does now. And why does he looked this good? He was trained by a Russian. Not an American.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The words a pregnant woman never wants to hear

I stated in a previous blog, how I knew karma would eventually get even with me for being judgmental regarding how Jonathon looked when we first met. Because of his surgeries, and being unable to workout, he was fat, old looking. Nothing like he looks like;

Photo property of RDTS Productions

Every Tuesday is his weigh in day. His trainer wanted Jonathon to reach a certain weight before adding weight training to Jonathon's workouts. Today, he reached the required weight. Starting tomorrow, Jonathon adds weight training to his 6 day a week workout schedule. I did not want to hear those words.

Usually this would be no big deal. A wife would be happy their hubby was improving his body. Not in my case.

In 8 weeks, Jonathon will be nicely built and toned. I will be fat, tired looking and irritable. Looking nothing like I did the first time Jonathon saw me.

What makes this worse, just like the night of our first date, there are teenage stanks wanting to be with Jonathon. And now, I am pregnant and getting fat. Some would think I am vulnerable to losing my hubby to a stank.

Most women say, they do not want to be considered a sexual object to men. Especially by their bf or spouse. I don't share this belief. I am glad Jonathon is thinking of me this way. I am happy when he feels me up. And when he takes me passionately without warning, I very happy :)) I could care less we are staining the sofa, my desk, kitchen counters.............

I know, as long as Jonathon is having me several times a day, he certainly isn't with someone else. Or wanting someone else.

The more he wants me, the more I know he loves me. His eyes give him away.  I can see inside his heart and soul.

I am 19 years old. My hubby is 47. He no longer looks his age. Nor has he ever act it. I'm not complaining. Well, his 5 year old tamper tantrums are hard to handle at times. On the bright side, I am getting practice on how to handle a 5 year old fit.

Sunday was the Oscars. If it wasn't I allowed my blood pressure to get high, we would have been there. People around the world are talking Angelina Jolie's dress;

   Jonathon said, "if I wore that dress, or something like it, they better sit us by a door. Because I'd fuck you every 30 minutes." I asked him, would he be like that if I was really showing. His response after feeling up my right leg "I'd fuck you in that dress if you were 9 months pregnant." Then you can imagine what happened next. I'm not complaining ;)^)

Most women would be offended if their man said that. Not me.

Some guys on FB have made comment about Jonathon's age. And I won't be beautiful forever. A few said, I may be wasting my looks on him. To them I say; you wish you were a 10th the man Jonathon is. My hubby has teenagers younger than me wanting him, and he is devoted to me. He has done an amazing physical turnaround since October '11. Jonathon isn't getting old. He's getting better. And he can fuck you all up!

You know your hubby loves you, when he has girls younger than you, wanting him, and he pays them no mind.

In 8 weeks, my hubby will look super hot. And he will be all mine. I know I'm getting the better part of his transformation. I'll be fat. He'll be hot. And though he can have any girl he wants,  he loves and wants only me in every way <3

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Some people are idiots.

I am beginning to realizing what Anna Chapman meant when she said she does pay attention to idiots. Or let them get to her. And she is right. But, when they make false statements against your loved ones, you must defend your loved ones. 

As most people know, I regularly check search engines to see what people are saying about Jonathon and me. I found someone who questioned whether or not Jonathon ever had a NASCAR racing license.
I am collecting everything I feel our children will think is awesome about their dad. A NASCAR race license will be totally awesome to them. I have his old racing outfit too.

This is from 2003. I think there is nothing my hubby can't do. This is why, I am in fear of his statement saying he wants to get me pregnant, while I'm pregnant. Have one baby and then a few months later another. OM Goddess.

I know it is hard to believe, but, my hubby does whatever he wants. He is from Vlad Tepes' bloodline. Like any great warrior, he conquers or does what he wants. I admit, Jonathon conquered me; A Russian.

To the victor goes the rewards.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I can't believe it

I was born in April 1992. I discovered an article today about Jonathon. I first thought it was from 1993. I looked at it more carefully, and saw it was from 1 June 1991. I wasn't even conceived then.

Here's the article:

My hubby beat up a Russian World Champion. How dare he. What I can't believe is this. Jonathon was famous and a great fighter before I was born. And when we first met, I looked at him like he was old, fat and just something less than what I thought he was. Other girls did not share my idea of him.

On our first date, Jonathon's ex-gf Paige called him and didn't get the hint he was busy. He was busy trying to make me fall in love with him. I finally had to tell her to fuck off. Then, a few minutes later, a 16 year old girl calls him. I was like; WTF?

Now Jonathon looks like he once did, if not better. And I'm starting to look like the tired pregnant girl. Eventually, I'll be the fat tired pregnant girl. Yet, the more pregnant I look, the more attractive to me he has become.

I think I look horrible right now, especially after being sick tonight. Once I felt better, Jonathon wanted to take a shower with me and wash me. And as usual we had an hour long shower. I'm not complaining. I enjoy our showers :))~

I can't believe as I am changing, he is more attracted to me. Jonathon now likes to place his hands around  where the baby is when we sleep. And in the shower. Except during lalala in the shower. He rubs the baby area right afterwards. Why?
Jonathon seems more attractive to me now, than when we first started dating. Why?

We have had more lalala in this month, than any other month since September. In October he did have knee operated on. In November he had his stomach scoped. He still kept his daily streak alive though. Jonathon was perfectly fine in December and January. But, this month, I am sick, feel disgusting, I am crappy, irritable and he is acting like a horny teenager. I'm not complaining at all ;))  Just can't figure it out.

Jonathon should be less interested in me now. Instead, the minute he sees skin on me, he attacks. Passionately.

I can't believe it. But, I'm not complaining <3

Friday, February 17, 2012

Jonathon and my children's bloodline

My bloodline is one I am proud of. Though I hate my parents.  How grand will our children be? Jonathon descendant of Vlad Tepes. And I from Dolgorukov bloodline.  

The world already knows the fear my hubby can and has brought upon his enemies. Like Vlad, Jonathon's name strike fear into the hearts of his enemies and cause them to run for their lives.

I may be only 19, and have made many mistakes in life. Not to mention been abused by an asshole. Though I am far ideal, like Vlad and Jonathon, I am brining honor to the name of Tepes. Here is proof, I am not only Russian, but, a Tepes;   

I had issue with the Consul of Romania in Washington, DC. So, this morning I went directly to Romania Ambassador Vlerita. By the time I returned home from my doctor's visit, Consul Deaconu had contacted me and apologized. I may be small in built. But, I can unleash a fury that hell could not compare to.

Our children will not take shit from anyone. Government leaders will bow in respect to the children I will bare.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My birth name is;

I've been asked since I am now becoming more public with IMDb and my movies, what my birth name is. My birth name is Rakhil Dolgorukov. Those who know Russian, know Rakhil is the Russian name for Rachel. And those who know their Russian history may recognize my surname of Dolgorukov. I will not release where I was born. I intend on returning to the city of my birth as a superstar when we film in Russia.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

An Open Letter To My Parents

Father and Mother,

You said Jonathon was no good. He would abuse and hurt me. You said he was crazy. You said Jonathon only wanted to use me. He would never do anything good for me.

I've been with Jonathon since the end of August '11. We have endured our ups and down. And he was not done anything you said he would. Jonathon has been more loving and supportive of me in the last almost 6 months, than either one of you have been my whole life.

He is so devoted to me, he is sacrificing his own standing in Hollywood to help me achieve my dreams. The dreams you both told me was crazy.

Who's the crazy one now?

Jonathon is the only one in my family who doesn't think I am crazy, and is opening doors for me to become someone in life. You two are the ones who are weak and pathetic. You are both evil people.

You left Russia not to make a better life for me. You left because you weren't strong enough to stay and live through the changes. You are both cowards. Thats right. I am calling you cowards. Pathetic ones.

This October, I will return to Russia and live in big house in Dmitrov. I will drive Porsche and wear the finest clothes. My home will be furnish like inside of palace. I will love and support the dreams of my children. I will not insult them and make them feel like shit, like you made me feel.

My hubby loves our unborn child more than the both of you ever loved me. Unlike you both, he is very loving parent. And he truly loves and even worships me. Jonathon worship the ground I walk on.

Мать и отец, я молю вас болезненные смерть до рождения моего ребенка.Черви Ешьте вам. В моих глазах вы мертвы. Я ненавижу тебя со всеми внутри меня.


Our first Valentine's Day

Yesterday was my first and several dozens with Jonathon. As you have read, the night before he gave me the best Valentine's Day gift I could have been given. He told me he wanted our big wedding to be in Dmitrov, Russia so my family and friends could attend.

Its hard to believe in September, I was saying to myself;

Now, I could not see a day without Jonathon in my life <3

Yesterday morning was like Christmas morning. We opened our gifts to each other. Jonathon gave me this cute bear

And a heart of candy
I gave him what he's been dying to find for weeks, Product 19

I must admit, not only does Jonathon like it. But, our child does too. So, Jonathon can't deprive his child the good food the baby wants ;)) I know where to get more Product 19.

It would have been very stupid of me hoping the day would have been perfect. Sure enough, a stank had to cross the line. Not just any STANK, a real bitch; Paige Brewer. She contacted Jonathon yesterday. I know this, because while he was sleeping, she texted him wishing him a Happy Valentine's Day and reminding him it was their 2nd anniversary. I can't believe 2 years ago, he was dating her. YUCK!

WTF Paige? You know he is married to me. I am giving him children. And though I have warned you to stay away, you still call and text my hubby. "When you cross a Russian woman, she will have her revenge!" Paige, I will unleash a furious wrath upon you, which will make Hurricane Katrina look like a quick passing shower.

Upon seeing the multiple text she sent Jonathon, I woke sleeping beauty up. I asked him where he took the stank for dinner. They went to Outback. He knew better than to take me there last night. He had already decided on Logan Roadhouse. Smart man.

After the Paige incident, my day bloomed to a level I can't describe. One of Jonathon's movie sponsors is in corporate chaos. The president was fired. The person who was assigned to help Jonaton, left the company. Jonathon should be happy he was given most of the sponsorship products for his movie The Comeback Fighter. I think there will be no cash flow anymore from this company.

Where I, may have secured a sponsor for my movie, that will be totally awesome. Should know more today. I have no negotiating experience. And who is going to give a large amount of money to a 19 year old first time film maker. So, my sweet loving hubby, will have to finalize the sponsorship for me.

Funny how I have to turn to my hubby for help. Being 19 is a drag at times. They like my script. They seem to like what I have filmed too. This will be so awesome, if I secure a big sponsor for my movie. It will put pressure on Russian companies to help me. How could Russia be shown up by an American company. Russians are competitive. Especially against Americans. Look at Joanthon and me. We are very competitive. I wrote it into the script too. I know to make Jonathon do what I ask, I must feed his ego and tail.

I have no problem feeding tail. His ego is another thing.

Dinner was great. We walked around afterwards. It was a nice night. Then we came home.

After checking my emails, I finally discovered the name of the stank who kissed Jonathon on set in Destin, FL in September while I was in Ithaca, NY collecting my stuff because my parents were being assholes to me, about dating Jonathon. HA. Now we are happily married and I am with child. A child they will only see from pictures on the internet and videos I post to show the world my precious child. I hope they die before my child is born.

Then like any loving couple on Valentine's Day, Jonathon and I went to bed early.

I woke up after 7am. He is just crawling out of bed >:))