Father and Mother,
You said Jonathon was no good. He would abuse and hurt me. You said he was crazy. You said Jonathon only wanted to use me. He would never do anything good for me.
I've been with Jonathon since the end of August '11. We have endured our ups and down. And he was not done anything you said he would. Jonathon has been more loving and supportive of me in the last almost 6 months, than either one of you have been my whole life.
He is so devoted to me, he is sacrificing his own standing in Hollywood to help me achieve my dreams. The dreams you both told me was crazy.
Who's the crazy one now?
Jonathon is the only one in my family who doesn't think I am crazy, and is opening doors for me to become someone in life. You two are the ones who are weak and pathetic. You are both evil people.
You left Russia not to make a better life for me. You left because you weren't strong enough to stay and live through the changes. You are both cowards. Thats right. I am calling you cowards. Pathetic ones.
This October, I will return to Russia and live in big house in Dmitrov. I will drive Porsche and wear the finest clothes. My home will be furnish like inside of palace. I will love and support the dreams of my children. I will not insult them and make them feel like shit, like you made me feel.
My hubby loves our unborn child more than the both of you ever loved me. Unlike you both, he is very loving parent. And he truly loves and even worships me. Jonathon worship the ground I walk on.
Мать и отец, я молю вас болезненные смерть до рождения моего ребенка.Черви Ешьте вам. В моих глазах вы мертвы. Я ненавижу тебя со всеми внутри меня.