Monday, March 19, 2012

Women are the superior gender

My hubby says in the Garden of Eden, Lucifer told Eve the truth. Women are superior to men, and can make a man do anything we want them to. Lucifer then told Eve, tell Adam to eat the apple. What happened next? Eve walked up to Adam and asked him to eat. And Adam eat the apple.

Since then, women have been able to get men to do what we want them to.

Men may be physically stronger, as far as brut strength.  But, intellectually women are superior. A superior intellect will always prevail over brut force.

No matter the race, women are superior.

Why do I speak of this. Someone on FB posted a picture of a black man holding hands with a white girl. They posted with the picture: Like, if you are not racist <3

Why is it always a black man with a white woman? Because like all men, black men think they are superior. No man is superior to a woman. And sooner men realize they are below us, the better this world will be.

In Russia, there are no black people. This is because of the Soviet Union. I was raised if a black man tried to get with me, to hurt him as badly as I can. In Russia, if a black man disrespected a Russian woman, he would be killed. One way or another.

My hubby Jonathon could snap my neck in seconds. If he ever hit me, if I didn't die from the punch, I certainly would be hospitalized.

Over the weekend I totally fucked up. I didn't cheat on him. I cost him a lot of money. This morning Jonathon found out. The way he looked at me, made me wonder how much his punch would hurt. I was prepared to fly through the air. Fortunately for me,  he stared at me, and walked away.

I never doubted his love for me. Today I realized, Jonathon loves me more than anyone or thing.

No matter what Jonathon says, or anyone else, I have great influence over the fame impaler. And I know, if someone was to piss me off, if I told Jonathon to fuck them up, he would. And he is only getting bigger and stronger.

I strongly believe President Putin will re-form the Soviet Union. And the new Soviet Union will be the one and only true world superpower. And if Obama is re-elected president, it is only a matter of time before Putin takes over the USA. And if he is smart, he would appoint women like Anna Chapman to his cabinet.

I am a Russian woman, born in the Soviet Union. I am proud and superior.

Да здравствует Россия :))