Saturday, March 24, 2012

The American Courts are an evil empire. Not Russia.

Americans claim Russia, especially old Soviet Union was an evil empire.  Ronald Reagan especially felt the Soviet Union as an evil empire in his own words he says I am from the evil empire.  It is the country of Reagan that is the evil empire.

Before I continue, my hubby is a fan of President Reagan. And though Jonathon idolizes Reagan, he is allowing me to express my opinion.

For decades, America's leaders have tried to influence other countries into the American way of thinking. Even when, it is as clear as the sun outside my window, America is extremely dysfunctional.  Especially its court, law enforcement and leaders.

Americans claim my president, Vladimir Putin is a dictator. If this was true, Putin would not have allowed 10's of thousands Russians to publicly protest him before the elections. Let citizens of Cuba, Iran, China, Korea assemble in protest. See how long it takes for military to show up and start executing them.

In the Orlando area in Florida, an innocent teenager was shot to death by what I would describe as a racist. To this day, the murderer is walking free, as the victims family is being victimized by those sworn to protect them. Who is the evil empire? Putin would not tolerate this kind of criminal act. Why does Obama?

Today in the mail, Jonathon received an order from the court in Indiana presiding other the matter regarding his ex-wife killing their child. The death happened in 2008. Jonathon challenged the court regarding the punishment of his ex. It seems after June 30, 2009 the Indiana legislature amended the Child Wrongful Death Statute. The penalties are now harsher for those who murder a child. Jonathon's daughter died in August 2008.  Sucks to be Jonathon. Great to be a murderer.

I am scared to death if I do not give birth to a healthy baby, Jonathon's family in Romania will kill me. They already told me, if something happens to the baby, I better never step foot in Romania. And his American born ex-wife is still walking around free. WTF?

The judge has ordered the sentencing for July 18, 2012. Isn't this nice of the judge. Almost 4 years after Jonathon's daughter was killed, his ex will pay for her actions. Who is the evil empire?

Russia isn't this compassionate. And with Putin back in power, I know my children will never have to live in fear of someone like Jonathon's ex-wife harming them. And lets not forget the land of Vlad. If this happened in Romania, Jonathon's family would have killed her immediately. Shift justice.

No system is perfect. It is clear in America those with money are above the law. Kennedy killed his pregnant secretary. No jail time. No conviction either.

George Bush lied and caused thousands of military to be killed. Is he is jail? No. Why?

I admit, some people, like Jonathon, bring on their own legal problems. Jonathon is vocal and speaks out against the evil American empire.

On Wednesday night, Jonathon and I watched Bill O'Reilly

O'Reilly said "how if you speak out against them, you will be target. Silence the opposition." 

I am sure this government doesn't like hearing my thoughts. Deport me back to Russia. Wait.  I'll be there in 6 months. And happier than I have ever been. I will only have to worry about Jonathon saying hey yo to Russians. May the Goddess give the Russians patience and understanding when they encounter Jonathon. 

Who is the evil empire?