Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I am sick and tired of people telling me and Jonathon, after they find out I had an accident Saturday night, he is the adult in our relationship. WTF am I? 'cause I'm not a child. I am 19 years old. In 18 days I will be 20. When you turn 18, you are considered an adult. I'm almost 2 years into being a legal adult.

Saturday night, Jonathon and I were very passionate in bed. I lost my balance, and fell off our bed. Our bed is higher than most beds because of Jonathon's knees. I landed on the floor. The last thing I needed. So tomorrow I am having surgery. Most of those who knew, were pissed at Jonathon. WTF? Do you not think I enjoy; making love, having sex, or being fucked hard by my hubby? I enjoy it more than you could ever know. Ever since he started taking the shots, he's a sex machine. We had a great sex life before his shots, but now, words can describe it.

I've been told people are offended by my comments about my sex life with Jonathon. Why is it okay for a guy to brag about having sex with multiple women? But, if a woman brags how great her sex life with her hubby, it's taboo. It isn't like I am sleeping around with other guys. I'm with my hubby. I am proud of what I helped create.  

Jonathon went from being fat and old looking, to looking like a hunk. What woman reading this, wouldn't want to have sex with my hubby? That is, if you weren't married or Jonathon wasn't married to me.

Stanky hoes keep sending Jonathon pictures of themselves. Many of the pictures are nudes or half nudes. One of his exes sends him nudes. She sent one of her P to his cell phone, after knowing we were married.

If your hubby was getting pictures like this, what would you do? I can't beat the fuck out of her because I want to give birth to a healthy baby. I can't take anymore chances with my body.

I usually post about my sex life with Jonathon, after someone sends him a picture or an invite. Its my way of letting the hoe know, if I am satisfying Jonathon, why would he want them.

And if I want to brag about my sex life with my hubby, its not a crime. Nor is it a crime for a girl to have multiple organisms.  Organisms are great. Especially when your hubby is the cause of them.