It does not take a genus to realize America is not what it use to be. Abuse of power by the police, politicians, government agencies is out of control.
Crime is soaring. Americans live in fear of being attacked, robbed, harmed, injured, murdered. Parents live in fear of their children being taken from them, and worse. They fear their child might be molested by sickos, like that football coach from Penn State.
Since I've been alive, living in America, I do not believe any US president has improved life for those who live here. Obama promised change. His administration has totally failed to make positive changes.
We filled up our car yesterday. It was not cheap. And gas prices will only be getting higher according to the media. Why? The rich are getting richer. And the poor are getting poorer.
I am not blaming Americans for America. I think they are victims of a new Third Reich, where the rich and powerful are in control of the government. Billion dollar Hitlers.
With that said. It is a mother's responsibility to not only take care of the needs of her child, but, to protect them as best she can. What kind of mother would I be to allow my child to be born in a country that clearly has issues with crime and government corruption?
I am proud most of the blood that flows through my veins is Russian. Though Russia use to be a communist country, and committed acts of inhumanity upon people, its has made great strides to make life for Russians better. Especially during the Putin reign.
Corruption and crime is everywhere. But in Russia, certain crimes are punished by death. And not by lethal injection.
Criminals know better to harm a child in Russia. And in Romania, who in their right mind would harm a child who has Tepes in their name?
When I first missed my period a few weeks ago, I decided if I was pregnant, I would try my hardest to get Jonathon to agree to move away from America to either Russia or Romania. I admit, I am the one who wants us to live in Russia. He of course, wanted Romania.
When he surprised me last Thursday night with a wedding ceremony, I was speechless. As he wrote in the GLG script; Cinderella got her prince. And no words are so true relating to me. I got my prince. Literally.
I hoped his politician side would emerge when I explained my fears of raising our child here in America. And sure enough, the politician he is, surfaced.
Anyone who knows Jonathon, knows how heartbroken he was when his daughter was murdered in '08. And how hurt he was when his last ex-wife miscarried almost two years ago.
If I lose this baby, there is no way I will stay with Jonathon. I will not be able to look at, what I am sure will be the undying grief written on his face. And, I don't deny, I think he would find a way to kill me for it. He has already stated, if someone harms this child, they will pay with their lives. This from a man who has an impaling pole in our bedroom.
I am thinking positive. If Jonathon's first wife could carry his first child to birth, and she's polish. I being Russian, should be able to carry twins with no problem whatsoever. I don't know if I am having twins. Too early to tell. But, they run in his gene pool. If I have twins, then I think it would be so awesome to have a girl and boy. I would ask Jonathon to name our children after his twins in GLG. Ariel and Ares.
Though I have never killed anyone before. I have realized, to protect my child, especially now, I can and will kill anyone who presents a threat to my baby's life and well-being. And unlike most, I have weapons available to me, people could only imagine. And some of them, don't make a sound.
Though I originally wanted Jonathon to bury the Impaler, I know, the Impaler is too powerful for the grave. I am sure, the Impaler will be put to bed though. And if need be, the Impaler can be awoken. This may be a good thing, if the world goes into total anarchy.
If the US falls, it is only a matter of time, the world will suffer, and weaker countries will collapse too. Though I believe Russia will be able to survive a collapse of the US, Romania may not. So, my family has a safety net: Russia.
Я благодарю Богиня Геката я русский.
Crime is soaring. Americans live in fear of being attacked, robbed, harmed, injured, murdered. Parents live in fear of their children being taken from them, and worse. They fear their child might be molested by sickos, like that football coach from Penn State.
Since I've been alive, living in America, I do not believe any US president has improved life for those who live here. Obama promised change. His administration has totally failed to make positive changes.
We filled up our car yesterday. It was not cheap. And gas prices will only be getting higher according to the media. Why? The rich are getting richer. And the poor are getting poorer.
I am not blaming Americans for America. I think they are victims of a new Third Reich, where the rich and powerful are in control of the government. Billion dollar Hitlers.
With that said. It is a mother's responsibility to not only take care of the needs of her child, but, to protect them as best she can. What kind of mother would I be to allow my child to be born in a country that clearly has issues with crime and government corruption?
I am proud most of the blood that flows through my veins is Russian. Though Russia use to be a communist country, and committed acts of inhumanity upon people, its has made great strides to make life for Russians better. Especially during the Putin reign.
Corruption and crime is everywhere. But in Russia, certain crimes are punished by death. And not by lethal injection.
Criminals know better to harm a child in Russia. And in Romania, who in their right mind would harm a child who has Tepes in their name?
When I first missed my period a few weeks ago, I decided if I was pregnant, I would try my hardest to get Jonathon to agree to move away from America to either Russia or Romania. I admit, I am the one who wants us to live in Russia. He of course, wanted Romania.
When he surprised me last Thursday night with a wedding ceremony, I was speechless. As he wrote in the GLG script; Cinderella got her prince. And no words are so true relating to me. I got my prince. Literally.
I hoped his politician side would emerge when I explained my fears of raising our child here in America. And sure enough, the politician he is, surfaced.
Anyone who knows Jonathon, knows how heartbroken he was when his daughter was murdered in '08. And how hurt he was when his last ex-wife miscarried almost two years ago.
If I lose this baby, there is no way I will stay with Jonathon. I will not be able to look at, what I am sure will be the undying grief written on his face. And, I don't deny, I think he would find a way to kill me for it. He has already stated, if someone harms this child, they will pay with their lives. This from a man who has an impaling pole in our bedroom.
I am thinking positive. If Jonathon's first wife could carry his first child to birth, and she's polish. I being Russian, should be able to carry twins with no problem whatsoever. I don't know if I am having twins. Too early to tell. But, they run in his gene pool. If I have twins, then I think it would be so awesome to have a girl and boy. I would ask Jonathon to name our children after his twins in GLG. Ariel and Ares.
Though I have never killed anyone before. I have realized, to protect my child, especially now, I can and will kill anyone who presents a threat to my baby's life and well-being. And unlike most, I have weapons available to me, people could only imagine. And some of them, don't make a sound.
Though I originally wanted Jonathon to bury the Impaler, I know, the Impaler is too powerful for the grave. I am sure, the Impaler will be put to bed though. And if need be, the Impaler can be awoken. This may be a good thing, if the world goes into total anarchy.
If the US falls, it is only a matter of time, the world will suffer, and weaker countries will collapse too. Though I believe Russia will be able to survive a collapse of the US, Romania may not. So, my family has a safety net: Russia.
Я благодарю Богиня Геката я русский.