Last night I had a dream. It was more like a nightmare.
In my dream, we were getting ready to leave for Romania. Jonathon was at his soon to be shop. I decided to surprise him with a visit. I walked in and saw him making out with one of the actresses in the movie.
I will admit, when Jonathon and I first started dating, I thought he had feelings for Brooke Bezick or this other girl. When I confronted him about my beliefs, his face regarding Brooke was priceless. He told me he could never date her, for multiple reasons. The top two were, to him she is like the younger sister he always wanted. The second is, he is very old fashion in his ways regarding how a girl should dress. I looked at Brooke's FB page, and realized, though I think the way she dresses is awesome, Jonathon doesn't.
So, after I knew he didn't like Brooke, I asked him about the other girl. He made my fears come true. He admitted he was at one time very taken with this girl. Very taken. To the point, when they got to Romania, he was going to show her the world. And turn on his old world charm, to make her his bride.
Believe me, that old world charm will get him any girl he wants. Especially now.
I discovered as an April's Fools joke, he did an email saying he and this girl (in the email he didn't mention her name), were dating and he got her pregnant. Many people responded with thinking it was great for him and the girl. They said the girls name. Jonathon did not mention her name in the email.
Back to my dream, or rather nightmare.
I decided to hide and see what they did. They acted like they had been dating for years. They were joking and playing around.
In the dream Brooke walked in. She was shocked to catch Jonathon and the girl kissing. But, told them to be careful because I was pregnant, and it wasn't right what Jonathon was doing.
Next thing, we were in Romania. I know his family there does not like me because I am Russian. When they saw we were married and I was pregnant, they really weren't happy. Can't wait to see their faces when we get there.
Then we were in Vlad Tepes' castle. Jonathon was sitting on Vlad's chair. He ordered me to come to him. When I walked in, he told me, he was leaving me for this other girl, and if I tried to stop them from being together, he would execute me after the baby was born.
Then she walked in and sat on his lap and smiled at me.
Then I woke up. This was a nightmare no one should dream.
Being a Pagan Witch, I practice The Craft. Most witches have the ability to sense things and future events before they happen.
When Jonathon wakes up, I am going to confront him with this. I am curious how he responses.
Since Jonathon and I been together, I have chatted with this girl. Though I do not believe she would pursue Jonathon especially now we are married, and I am with child, I know when we go to Romania, he will not be having la la la like he has become accustom. This is my biggest fear. To lose him, because I can't do it.
In Romania, as Vlad, he will surely be given anything or one he wants. I pray he will stay committed to the vows and the promises he made Friday to me and the Goddess.