When I met Jonathon Sharkey (Mr. Impaler), he told me there was a difference between Jonathon and Jonathon The Impaler. I of course rolled my eyes and said sure.
Since living with him, I have seen many aspects of his personality. I've seen the Impaler. I've dealt with his childish five year old side. I love what he calls his green monster. And him as his self.
The more I speak to his family, I realize he is truly has a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde persona. They admit he is Jonathon, and he is the Impaler. Two different people.
Though Jonathon admits to being like a pizza with several slices, is this normal? Is it healthy?
Everyone has different parts of their being. Some people act sweet. But, are really a vicious asshole. The wolf in sheep clothing.
I guess we all are Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Sometimes we are sweet and kind. Other times, we get angry at people and allow our anger to take over. We say and do things we eventually regret.
I remember my mother being so angry at me, she told me she wished I was never born. Those words hurt me. Words can cause damage that may never heal.
My parents and I are not on speaking terms. I think they will eventually regret their anger against me. Especially when my child is born. They will regret turning into Mr. Hyde.
I will never tell my precious child I wish they were never born. I'm sure I will say hurtful words to them, and it will hurt them when I have to punish them. But, a child without loving discipline is a train wreck waiting to happen later in life.
What made me think about this, was what Jonathon said about Mr. Paterno. He believes Mr. Paterno died from a broken heart because Penn State's fat cats in an effort to protect themselves, took away from Paterno what he loved most: Coaching.
Jonathon cried when he read Paterno died. This made me realize he is more than what people think he is.
As I speak with older people, I realize how inexperienced in life I truly am. I'm nineteen. I am a mother-to-be to a precious gift from the Goddess. I am the wife to someone who literally has two personas. One is sweet. The other is: ...... I'm not going there. But you can fill in the blank.
Everyone has freewill. You can be Mr. Hyde. Or you can be Dr. Jekyll. Me, I want to be the best wife, mother and person I can be. How about you?