Two weeks ago after Jonathon and I were married, he shocked me when he said he wanted to bury or at least retire the Impaler. Back in December, Jonathon told me when he hit 50 he would retire the Impaler and focus his energies on being a good husband and father to our children.
He was scheming for a while about asking me to marry him, and getting me pregnant. It was my intention to tell him on Christmas Eve I was pregnant. It was a great plan, if the HPT would have shown I was.
He also told me two weeks ago, in 2013 I could do anything I wanted professionally. Because at the end of this year, he was retiring. His main focus is the baby and me. In that order I believe.
I decided I wanted to write, produce, film and star in a movie in my homeland of Russia. Especially since Jonathon agreed to buy us a home there.
As the fates would have it, I found the full printed script of The Comeback Fighter. Jonathon is not good at hiding stuff. Especially from me.
I wanted more than anything to read the last scene in the movie. I wanted to know who wins the fight. I was shocked by the ending in more ways than one. So will everyone who sees it.
I totally disagree with how he handles my character Naughtia. As a Russian woman, I would never allow any man, especially an American man to treat me that way.
I decided I must avenge what Jonathon has done to my character. And may his character pay for it.
With that said, I started writing my first script. It is entitled; The Comeback Fighter: Naughtia's Revenge.
My thought process was, I would get funding from Russian sources to film. After all, its mostly being filmed in Russia.
Today in film school, I learned I have a legal problem with my plans. My hubby wrote and copyrighted TCF, the characters and everything to do with the movie, a year before I met him. Even though we are married, TCF came to live before we were married. And he has exclusive rights to the movie.
In our post-nup, its says we own everything we have before coming into the marriage. I thought that was a given. I wasn't thinking about his movies. So, no matter how much his movies make, I am not legally entitled to anything from them.
He has already agreed to buy us any home in Russia I want. He wants our children to never worry about money or anything. That is nice of him.
His sole ownership of TFC puts me in a pickle. I had to just humble myself and ask my hubby for permission to write my own sequel to the movie we are presently in production with.
To my dismay, he wanted to know why I wanted to write a sequel. I hoped he would say anything for you my love. Not ask me to explain why I think he screwed up.
So, I explained what I don't like about the ending. Then he made me show him what I wrote. He does have to approve the script before I send it to be copyrighted and filed with the WGA. To my utter disbelief, he loved it. Even with what I am going to put him through. He gets slapped, kicked, punched, and thats not what he is going to suffer in the ring.
He thinks I am doing a great job. Then he told me something I already had suspected. There is a scene where his character while in Russia belittles the Russian people and even Vladimir Putin. He told, I could never write that scene true to his character.
Though I have seen footage of him in the wrestling ring belittling his opponents and fans, he has a certain flare for doing it. Each time he does it, he adapts his speech to where he was, his opponent and what events were happening in the area.
I have also seen him tell off people when they piss him off. He never belittles people who piss him off the same way. His tone will change. Or his facial expression. He said it is an art.
In the ring, even when he is wearing a mask, you can tell by his body language how he fells or acts.
I now must relent my desire to write the whole script, and allow my hubby to write the one scene in Russia.
To my surprise, when I asked Jonathon how much he wanted to be paid for the movie, he said nothing. He would do whatever I wanted him to do in my movie for free. He did have three stipulations. One, a reasonable percentage of what I make has to be put in a trust fund for our children. Second, 10 percent of whatever I make from the movie, has to be given to Russian Orphanages. When the movie comes out, you will see where this stipulation stems from. Third, I have to given him a minor writing credit in the movie. I am using scenes from TCF, and he is writing the one scene.
WOW. This is awesome. I am now in charge of my own movie project. How cool is this?
This is the official blog of actress Rakhil Dolgorukov Tepes Sharkey aka Rachel Tepes Sharkey, Rachel Allen-Sharkey, Rachel Allen.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
WTF Girls?
In my previous post I stated how I was tired of people's negativity on FB. Then the girl I was talking about sends me this;
Are you going to breast feed your child? You should start planning if your going to... it takes lots of planning to breast feed 
WTF? Is she now my BFF? I answered her and told her yes. Then she sent me this;
Boys are no different then girls too it takes anywhere from 5 to 8 years
It also looks better for you as far as custody issues go if you and Jonathan do not work out.. the courts look at that if you still have your child on the tit then he can not have overnight visits
First of all. I have never heard of a child breast feeding that long. Second, and foremost. WTF didn't you understand about my post about negativity? "How dare she write; "If you and Jonathon don't work out."
My hubby and I are committed. I am the one who looks into his eyes and see's his heart. She doesn't. Nor does any other stank.
I finally became tired of her belittling my hubby. My natural instinct when I am pissed off is to start speaking Russian. What can I say...... I'm Russian.
I quickly sent her this; У меня были с собой. Вы сошли с ума. Я сделал с вами.
Which means; I've had it with them. You're crazy. I am done with you.
As I am blocking her, she sends me this; Я сошел с ума? Будут говорить в России заставит Вас чувствовать себя лучше?
Which means; They will say in Russia will make you feel better?
No stank. When I get pissed, I immediately start talking in Russian. When Jonathon pisses me off, I start telling him off in Russian, then I catch myself, and finish in english.
If he knew Russian, I wouldn't have to speak in english to him;))
My patience regarding dealing with stanks is very low.
Jonathon's my hubby, no matter if you like it or not.
Jonathon's my hubby, no matter if you like it or not.
Go bring your negativity to someone else. I don't want it in my life.
Why so negative?
One of my favorite quotes from the Batman movie with Heath Ledger was: Why so serious?
A few people on FB are trying to be ultra negative to me regarding my marriage to Jonathon. An old guy was telling me youth and good looks don't last forever, and Jonathon is so much older than me.
This from a guy who wishes he had my hubby's body.
A "female" friend of Jonathon's from FB. She actually was following him on MySpace for years. Told me I'm not being realistic. And because of all the injuries Jonathon has suffered from sports, I will probably have to wipe his ass when he's sixty. And I'll be thirty-two then.
If that is the case, then I will live up to my vows regarding staying with him in sickness and in health. Personally, I think when he is sixty, he will still be a horny sex driven monster. And like I am now, I'll never tell my monster no.
I think when he is 80, he'll still want my body. At least I pray he will. I'll be fifty-two then. He's never been with someone close to forty.
My point is: Why so negative? People are thinking it will be me who takes care of him. People are taking for granted, nothing will ever happen to me.
I could be in a car accident. I could develop cancer. Or suffer a stroke or a heart attack.
Jonathon most admires his Great-Uncle Louie. The Romanian one. Why? According to Jonathon and family members, his Great-Uncle took care of his wife after she had a mental breakdown. Family members tried for years to have him committed her. He refused. He spent over thirty years taking care of her, until she died.
How many men, who have money, would do this? I don't think many.
Jonathon said if I became a veggie, or crippled, or unable to take care of myself, he would make his Great-Uncle proud. He did say though, he would still jump my bones. Even if I was brain dead. Only Jonathon would say, and probably would have sex with me, if I was a veggie. He said if I lost my mind, my body would still be hot. At least he won't be cheating on me ;))
It pains me to admit to this. Until now, I never ate healthy. I am now eating right because of our baby. I am amazed on my own today for lunch, I made a healthy soup with vegetables and other good stuff. I did this without Jonathon looking over my shoulder. We broke him in the gym this morning and he's in bed trying not to get sick :)) He doesn't want to eat. Stop the presses, a miracle has happened. He doesn't want to eat.
Why do people have to be so negative? People will stereotype others, without getting to know the person or persons. This is a perfect example of ignorance and stupidity run a muck.
People need to realize, no one knows the future. Life is a gamble. I rather invest my heart and life with someone I know who loves me, and needs me more than the air he breathes.
This is the first time ever I have not just one, but two people who need, want, and especially love me. My hubby and my child. In his vows he told me he would rather be dead, than to feel the pain of losing me. He is trusting his heart and love to me, and hoping I will not let him down.
I am hoping I don't fail as a wife and mother.
A few people on FB are trying to be ultra negative to me regarding my marriage to Jonathon. An old guy was telling me youth and good looks don't last forever, and Jonathon is so much older than me.
This from a guy who wishes he had my hubby's body.
A "female" friend of Jonathon's from FB. She actually was following him on MySpace for years. Told me I'm not being realistic. And because of all the injuries Jonathon has suffered from sports, I will probably have to wipe his ass when he's sixty. And I'll be thirty-two then.
If that is the case, then I will live up to my vows regarding staying with him in sickness and in health. Personally, I think when he is sixty, he will still be a horny sex driven monster. And like I am now, I'll never tell my monster no.
I think when he is 80, he'll still want my body. At least I pray he will. I'll be fifty-two then. He's never been with someone close to forty.
My point is: Why so negative? People are thinking it will be me who takes care of him. People are taking for granted, nothing will ever happen to me.
I could be in a car accident. I could develop cancer. Or suffer a stroke or a heart attack.
Jonathon most admires his Great-Uncle Louie. The Romanian one. Why? According to Jonathon and family members, his Great-Uncle took care of his wife after she had a mental breakdown. Family members tried for years to have him committed her. He refused. He spent over thirty years taking care of her, until she died.
How many men, who have money, would do this? I don't think many.
Jonathon said if I became a veggie, or crippled, or unable to take care of myself, he would make his Great-Uncle proud. He did say though, he would still jump my bones. Even if I was brain dead. Only Jonathon would say, and probably would have sex with me, if I was a veggie. He said if I lost my mind, my body would still be hot. At least he won't be cheating on me ;))
It pains me to admit to this. Until now, I never ate healthy. I am now eating right because of our baby. I am amazed on my own today for lunch, I made a healthy soup with vegetables and other good stuff. I did this without Jonathon looking over my shoulder. We broke him in the gym this morning and he's in bed trying not to get sick :)) He doesn't want to eat. Stop the presses, a miracle has happened. He doesn't want to eat.
Why do people have to be so negative? People will stereotype others, without getting to know the person or persons. This is a perfect example of ignorance and stupidity run a muck.
People need to realize, no one knows the future. Life is a gamble. I rather invest my heart and life with someone I know who loves me, and needs me more than the air he breathes.
This is the first time ever I have not just one, but two people who need, want, and especially love me. My hubby and my child. In his vows he told me he would rather be dead, than to feel the pain of losing me. He is trusting his heart and love to me, and hoping I will not let him down.
I am hoping I don't fail as a wife and mother.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
The perfect Jetpack for my hubby :))
Привет там:)),
I know last week at this time I wanted to drag Dr. Guttentag to Red Square and execute him myself, for not supporting me in stopping Jonathon from buying a jetpack.
And when I saw a video of a horrific crash involving a jetpack, I so wanted to call the Kremlin.
A little while ago, I saw this video and after watching it, not only will I let my hubby buy one, but, after I have our baby, Jonathon can take care of our baby while I'm playing with OUR new toy.
I may even buy Dr. Guttentag one after Jonathon finishes filming. Of course, I'll buy it with Jonathon's money ;))
We all know, Jonathon wasn't planning on buying this one. But, if Dr. Guttentag hadn't said okay, and ticked me off, I would have never found this one. I guess Dr. Guttentag gets a reprieve from the wrath of a Russian woman.
Why do guys stop shaving?
While Jonathon and I were dating, he always shaved. Or at least every other day. Since we've been married, though six days a week (M-S) he trains (as he says) hard, he has stopped shaving everyday or other. Now, he does it every third or even fourth day.
It takes him five minutes to shave his face. If that. I'm not worth five minutes anymore? His hair stubble hurts and is really scratching my face when we kiss.
Am I the only wife who after getting married, husband stopped shaving daily? Or every other day at least? This sucks.
It takes him five minutes to shave his face. If that. I'm not worth five minutes anymore? His hair stubble hurts and is really scratching my face when we kiss.
Am I the only wife who after getting married, husband stopped shaving daily? Or every other day at least? This sucks.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
A DUH Moment
I had DUH moment today. My hubby is Jonathon Tepes Sharkey. He uses his Romanian family name of Tepes. But uses the english version of it. Our children will have Tepes in their names.
Jonathon noticed I was changing back and forth to my emails. He asked if I was looking for an email from my boyfriend. I told him my boyfriend hasn't emailed me since I married him. Maybe he got the hint.
I told him I emailed his cousin and asked her if I am allowed to use the name of Tepes, since I am married to him, and our children will have Tepes in their name.
He said duh. He asked why I didn't use it sooner. Duh. I was waiting for him to say I could. Dud. We're married. Its his name. I'm a duh.
Jonathon noticed I was changing back and forth to my emails. He asked if I was looking for an email from my boyfriend. I told him my boyfriend hasn't emailed me since I married him. Maybe he got the hint.
I told him I emailed his cousin and asked her if I am allowed to use the name of Tepes, since I am married to him, and our children will have Tepes in their name.
He said duh. He asked why I didn't use it sooner. Duh. I was waiting for him to say I could. Dud. We're married. Its his name. I'm a duh.
Monday, January 23, 2012
To Jonathon's exs. It must suck to be you :))
Here is a response my hubby gave to someone on his FB page regarding me. Besides being in total shock right now, all I can say to the world: I LOVE MY HUBBY.
You said Rachel can have any guys she wants. Youre right about that. Its added incestive for me to being training as hard as I am. I want to look so hott and good, she never thinks about what maybe behind door number 2. As for me. You said I can't get any woman I want. thats up for discussion especially give my present appearence. BUT, even if I could have any woman in the world, why would I? I am married to a real life Goddess who wants me to achieve my goals in life. My main goal is - The Fairytale. And my Princess has come. And she is giving me a gift no one could imagine how precious it is to me. As much as i enjoy all the success, fame, notarity and money I've made in my life, not to mention what I am making for TCF, Bloodiest and the Vlad movies, I would give it all away, if I could turn back time to high school and met Rachel then, and dated her, took her to the proms and married her back in the 1980's. Knowing we would be 47 right now. If I had one wish, that would be my wish, She would have been my first an only love throughout my life!
(I am not making any corrections regarding his grammar or spelling)
He just hoe slapped everyone of his ex-wives and gfs with this post. WOW
You said Rachel can have any guys she wants. Youre right about that. Its added incestive for me to being training as hard as I am. I want to look so hott and good, she never thinks about what maybe behind door number 2. As for me. You said I can't get any woman I want. thats up for discussion especially give my present appearence. BUT, even if I could have any woman in the world, why would I? I am married to a real life Goddess who wants me to achieve my goals in life. My main goal is - The Fairytale. And my Princess has come. And she is giving me a gift no one could imagine how precious it is to me. As much as i enjoy all the success, fame, notarity and money I've made in my life, not to mention what I am making for TCF, Bloodiest and the Vlad movies, I would give it all away, if I could turn back time to high school and met Rachel then, and dated her, took her to the proms and married her back in the 1980's. Knowing we would be 47 right now. If I had one wish, that would be my wish, She would have been my first an only love throughout my life!
(I am not making any corrections regarding his grammar or spelling)
He just hoe slapped everyone of his ex-wives and gfs with this post. WOW
Dealing with exs
I've made a posting on FB to all of Jonathon's old stanks.
To Jonathon's old stanks; if you read his profile page, its say Married to Rachel Allen-Sharkey Thats me. He no longer needs your services. So, find someone else to be a stank to.
What can I say? I call it like I see it.
Unfortunately in life, unless you start dating someone in junior high and stay with them until getting married, one or both of you will have at least an ex-bf or gf. If not worse: An ex-spouse.
I am nineteen. My parents were strict with me. I had to sneak around with my old bf. Fortunately, he was a friend of the family. He was older. Not as old as Jonathon though.
A Friday date night with him would be when he came over to see my parents. We all eat dinner and hung out.
Being a friend of my parents, they never suspected anything (I hope they read this). The bad thing was, I didn't get to go to school dances, proms or formals. The right of passage for a teenage girl. And our sex life, wasn't as romantic as I would have liked. You only lose your virginity once, you will always remember it. Especially
When I turned eighteen, I was able to spend more time with him. Like a lot of guys who are controlling, he did become abusive. I think because of how my parents were, especially my father, I accepted it, thinking it was my fault.
Last August after I meet Jonathon for the first time, I was shocked to realize he is not totally like he is portrayed. I do believe he would go Vlad on someone though.
Of all the people in the world to tell me, abusing someone was wrong, it was Jonathon. I was amazed to find out he actually had protection orders against some of his exs. It was more amazing to realize the Impaler had a heart.
Here is what happened to my now ex-bf after speaking to Mr. Impaler. I posted this on my FB page:
To Jonathon's old stanks; if you read his profile page, its say Married to Rachel Allen-Sharkey Thats me. He no longer needs your services. So, find someone else to be a stank to.
What can I say? I call it like I see it.
Unfortunately in life, unless you start dating someone in junior high and stay with them until getting married, one or both of you will have at least an ex-bf or gf. If not worse: An ex-spouse.
I am nineteen. My parents were strict with me. I had to sneak around with my old bf. Fortunately, he was a friend of the family. He was older. Not as old as Jonathon though.
A Friday date night with him would be when he came over to see my parents. We all eat dinner and hung out.
Being a friend of my parents, they never suspected anything (I hope they read this). The bad thing was, I didn't get to go to school dances, proms or formals. The right of passage for a teenage girl. And our sex life, wasn't as romantic as I would have liked. You only lose your virginity once, you will always remember it. Especially
When I turned eighteen, I was able to spend more time with him. Like a lot of guys who are controlling, he did become abusive. I think because of how my parents were, especially my father, I accepted it, thinking it was my fault.
Last August after I meet Jonathon for the first time, I was shocked to realize he is not totally like he is portrayed. I do believe he would go Vlad on someone though.
Of all the people in the world to tell me, abusing someone was wrong, it was Jonathon. I was amazed to find out he actually had protection orders against some of his exs. It was more amazing to realize the Impaler had a heart.
Here is what happened to my now ex-bf after speaking to Mr. Impaler. I posted this on my FB page:
We all know men are physically stronger than women. But, they are not smarter.
Tonight when I arrived home, I decided it was time to get even with my abusive now ex-bf.
I made him think I was going to have sex with him, and I changed into a sexy teddy, stockings and heels.
I had him lay on the floor and I blind folded him. I got his blood pressure up so something would wake up.
I spread his legs, stood up, and rammed as hard as I could my heel into his testicle sack.
Needless to say, he screamed loud enough to wake the dead.
I told him I actually have film proof of his abuse, and to get the F out. Needless to say, he crawled out.
Did I mention I spent the evening with Jonathon Tepes Sharkey aka Mr. Impaler?
Women, now you know how to bring a man to his knees; literally!
Its nice to know I won't have to worry about him anymore ;)Though it was not my intention to date, live with and eventually marry Jonathon, things happen:))
When your new bf is the Impaler, your ex-bf realizes it would be in his best interest to never contact you again. Like I said, I do believe he would go Vlad on someone. And he has. I've seen the police report and grand jury decision not to indict him. He's very protective of his loved ones.
So, here I am, having had only one bf/lover. And my hubby has been married how many times? Lets not go there.
I was so happy to see on my IMDb they listed our marriage on my personal information. Then I click to see how it looked on Jonathon's page. Though I was suppose to be listed on top of his ex-wives, I was listed last. Talk about pissing me off.
I truly believe I am the best person to ever have graced Jonathon's life. I accepted him as the person he is. And the things the world and I see are negatives with him, I am encouraging him to better himself. Before NYE when he announced to me, he wanted a baby this year, I was already off the pill and had missed my period.
On Thanksgiving day, I decided I would give him the greatest Christmas he could ever have. A baby. And hopefully the daughter he so desires. I only wish on Christmas Eve night when I took the HPT it would have shown positive.
I remind everyone, I decided to get pregnant not being engaged to him, knowing I was facing an uncertain future. Men go through a 7 year itch. Jonathon has 7 month ones. Girls don't make it beyond 7 months with him. Look at his history.
Our wedding was a complete surprise. He pulled the wool over my eyes. Never saw it coming. No signs. The bad thing is. He arranged a wedding without me knowing it, and I spend almost every minute with him. So, what else can he arrange without me realizing it? And with who?
I was in total shock when I realized we were getting married. And, his vows to me, made me cry. He said; I've become the muscles in his heart that make it beat. Without me, his heart would cease to beat. I am the force that allows him to live everyday. Without me, he rather die. Tears were falling from his eyes as he was saying this to me.
WOW..... Talk about having someone make you feel special. After the wedding I wrote down what he said, so I will always have a copy of it. I cant wait to see what he has planned in March.
When I saw his face while we looked at the ultrasound of our child, he was crying. Mr. Impaler does cry.
It is great being married to him. What I don't like is, his exs and other stanks trying to get with him.
I like to Google him and read what has been said about him. I usually laugh, because it is such media trash. I admit, I am a very jealous person. That is why I love it when he gets Vladish on guys who try to become too friendly with me. I swear his fangs appear.
I especially hate reading about him and Paige Brewer. That stank was texting him on our first date. He tried to tell her he was busy. But, she kept it up. I finally got pissed and took his cellphone. I told her I was has his gf and to fuck off. I also said I would give him the daughter he wanted, and marry him. This on our first date.
An older guy on FB had the stupidity to bring Paige up to me. I was like WTF? How dare this old guy pour salt on me.
And seeing pictures and video on the net of Jonathon and Paige kissing, hugging and being cute, makes me want to vomit.
When I was moving my things into his apartment, I found an overnight bag in his closet. It belongs to an actress who is cast in every movie Jonathon is in. Pictures and videos of them are on the net too.
I sleep on Jonathon's right side next to the wall. On Jonathon's right arm, he has a tattoo that says APRIL. He was born in April, as was I. But, it has nothing to do with his birthday. Its the name of his ex-gf April: Ms. Supermodel. They dated in '07-'08 when he was forty-three and she wasn't sweet sixteen. What gets me, they didn't hide it. And no one talked out against them. The moral of this is, if the girl is super beautiful, and the guy is famous, their ages don't matter.
Being Russian, I go to Russian new sites to read what is going on in Russia. The other day I made the bad mistake of searching Jonathon on a site. And what pop up? Not only a story about him, but, a pic of him holding his ex-Pagan wife in his arms.
Most new wives don't see stories about their husband's lovers, wives, teenage gfs on the net. I know he truly loves me. And I believe he has changed. He's retiring the Impaler after we film in Romania. He's getting us a home in Russia. He wants to take care of the baby after the birth, and be there for all the important events in their live.
Am I wrong feeling a knife in my heart and gut, when I see these stories and pictures?
We have been together everyday since we met. In September, my parents made me fly up to Ithaca to get my belongings since I wanted to live with Jonathon. The same weekend filming began for TCF. Jonathon took me to the airport and he drove up to Destin.
I was suppose to fly up on Friday and fly to Tallahassee the following day. My parents fucked that up. So, while I was suppose to be on set with Jonathon, what was he doing? This:
He looks like it was hard work. The good thing was, because of the stank in the blue dress on his lap, a new role was created in TCF: Naughtia. My role.
He was smart enough to tell me she kissed him. I wonder what kind of kiss it was? It seems the film of it became black.
How many women have to endure seeing pics and videos of your hubby kissing and being romantic with his exs, on the internet for all the world to see?
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Can someone be Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?
When I met Jonathon Sharkey (Mr. Impaler), he told me there was a difference between Jonathon and Jonathon The Impaler. I of course rolled my eyes and said sure.
Since living with him, I have seen many aspects of his personality. I've seen the Impaler. I've dealt with his childish five year old side. I love what he calls his green monster. And him as his self.
The more I speak to his family, I realize he is truly has a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde persona. They admit he is Jonathon, and he is the Impaler. Two different people.
Though Jonathon admits to being like a pizza with several slices, is this normal? Is it healthy?
Everyone has different parts of their being. Some people act sweet. But, are really a vicious asshole. The wolf in sheep clothing.
I guess we all are Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Sometimes we are sweet and kind. Other times, we get angry at people and allow our anger to take over. We say and do things we eventually regret.
I remember my mother being so angry at me, she told me she wished I was never born. Those words hurt me. Words can cause damage that may never heal.
My parents and I are not on speaking terms. I think they will eventually regret their anger against me. Especially when my child is born. They will regret turning into Mr. Hyde.
I will never tell my precious child I wish they were never born. I'm sure I will say hurtful words to them, and it will hurt them when I have to punish them. But, a child without loving discipline is a train wreck waiting to happen later in life.
What made me think about this, was what Jonathon said about Mr. Paterno. He believes Mr. Paterno died from a broken heart because Penn State's fat cats in an effort to protect themselves, took away from Paterno what he loved most: Coaching.
Jonathon cried when he read Paterno died. This made me realize he is more than what people think he is.
As I speak with older people, I realize how inexperienced in life I truly am. I'm nineteen. I am a mother-to-be to a precious gift from the Goddess. I am the wife to someone who literally has two personas. One is sweet. The other is: ...... I'm not going there. But you can fill in the blank.
Everyone has freewill. You can be Mr. Hyde. Or you can be Dr. Jekyll. Me, I want to be the best wife, mother and person I can be. How about you?
Since living with him, I have seen many aspects of his personality. I've seen the Impaler. I've dealt with his childish five year old side. I love what he calls his green monster. And him as his self.
The more I speak to his family, I realize he is truly has a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde persona. They admit he is Jonathon, and he is the Impaler. Two different people.
Though Jonathon admits to being like a pizza with several slices, is this normal? Is it healthy?
Everyone has different parts of their being. Some people act sweet. But, are really a vicious asshole. The wolf in sheep clothing.
I guess we all are Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Sometimes we are sweet and kind. Other times, we get angry at people and allow our anger to take over. We say and do things we eventually regret.
I remember my mother being so angry at me, she told me she wished I was never born. Those words hurt me. Words can cause damage that may never heal.
My parents and I are not on speaking terms. I think they will eventually regret their anger against me. Especially when my child is born. They will regret turning into Mr. Hyde.
I will never tell my precious child I wish they were never born. I'm sure I will say hurtful words to them, and it will hurt them when I have to punish them. But, a child without loving discipline is a train wreck waiting to happen later in life.
What made me think about this, was what Jonathon said about Mr. Paterno. He believes Mr. Paterno died from a broken heart because Penn State's fat cats in an effort to protect themselves, took away from Paterno what he loved most: Coaching.
Jonathon cried when he read Paterno died. This made me realize he is more than what people think he is.
As I speak with older people, I realize how inexperienced in life I truly am. I'm nineteen. I am a mother-to-be to a precious gift from the Goddess. I am the wife to someone who literally has two personas. One is sweet. The other is: ...... I'm not going there. But you can fill in the blank.
Everyone has freewill. You can be Mr. Hyde. Or you can be Dr. Jekyll. Me, I want to be the best wife, mother and person I can be. How about you?
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Moving to Russia and Romania
It does not take a genus to realize America is not what it use to be. Abuse of power by the police, politicians, government agencies is out of control.
Crime is soaring. Americans live in fear of being attacked, robbed, harmed, injured, murdered. Parents live in fear of their children being taken from them, and worse. They fear their child might be molested by sickos, like that football coach from Penn State.
Since I've been alive, living in America, I do not believe any US president has improved life for those who live here. Obama promised change. His administration has totally failed to make positive changes.
We filled up our car yesterday. It was not cheap. And gas prices will only be getting higher according to the media. Why? The rich are getting richer. And the poor are getting poorer.
I am not blaming Americans for America. I think they are victims of a new Third Reich, where the rich and powerful are in control of the government. Billion dollar Hitlers.
With that said. It is a mother's responsibility to not only take care of the needs of her child, but, to protect them as best she can. What kind of mother would I be to allow my child to be born in a country that clearly has issues with crime and government corruption?
I am proud most of the blood that flows through my veins is Russian. Though Russia use to be a communist country, and committed acts of inhumanity upon people, its has made great strides to make life for Russians better. Especially during the Putin reign.
Corruption and crime is everywhere. But in Russia, certain crimes are punished by death. And not by lethal injection.
Criminals know better to harm a child in Russia. And in Romania, who in their right mind would harm a child who has Tepes in their name?
When I first missed my period a few weeks ago, I decided if I was pregnant, I would try my hardest to get Jonathon to agree to move away from America to either Russia or Romania. I admit, I am the one who wants us to live in Russia. He of course, wanted Romania.
When he surprised me last Thursday night with a wedding ceremony, I was speechless. As he wrote in the GLG script; Cinderella got her prince. And no words are so true relating to me. I got my prince. Literally.
I hoped his politician side would emerge when I explained my fears of raising our child here in America. And sure enough, the politician he is, surfaced.
Anyone who knows Jonathon, knows how heartbroken he was when his daughter was murdered in '08. And how hurt he was when his last ex-wife miscarried almost two years ago.
If I lose this baby, there is no way I will stay with Jonathon. I will not be able to look at, what I am sure will be the undying grief written on his face. And, I don't deny, I think he would find a way to kill me for it. He has already stated, if someone harms this child, they will pay with their lives. This from a man who has an impaling pole in our bedroom.
I am thinking positive. If Jonathon's first wife could carry his first child to birth, and she's polish. I being Russian, should be able to carry twins with no problem whatsoever. I don't know if I am having twins. Too early to tell. But, they run in his gene pool. If I have twins, then I think it would be so awesome to have a girl and boy. I would ask Jonathon to name our children after his twins in GLG. Ariel and Ares.
Though I have never killed anyone before. I have realized, to protect my child, especially now, I can and will kill anyone who presents a threat to my baby's life and well-being. And unlike most, I have weapons available to me, people could only imagine. And some of them, don't make a sound.
Though I originally wanted Jonathon to bury the Impaler, I know, the Impaler is too powerful for the grave. I am sure, the Impaler will be put to bed though. And if need be, the Impaler can be awoken. This may be a good thing, if the world goes into total anarchy.
If the US falls, it is only a matter of time, the world will suffer, and weaker countries will collapse too. Though I believe Russia will be able to survive a collapse of the US, Romania may not. So, my family has a safety net: Russia.
Я благодарю Богиня Геката я русский.
Crime is soaring. Americans live in fear of being attacked, robbed, harmed, injured, murdered. Parents live in fear of their children being taken from them, and worse. They fear their child might be molested by sickos, like that football coach from Penn State.
Since I've been alive, living in America, I do not believe any US president has improved life for those who live here. Obama promised change. His administration has totally failed to make positive changes.
We filled up our car yesterday. It was not cheap. And gas prices will only be getting higher according to the media. Why? The rich are getting richer. And the poor are getting poorer.
I am not blaming Americans for America. I think they are victims of a new Third Reich, where the rich and powerful are in control of the government. Billion dollar Hitlers.
With that said. It is a mother's responsibility to not only take care of the needs of her child, but, to protect them as best she can. What kind of mother would I be to allow my child to be born in a country that clearly has issues with crime and government corruption?
I am proud most of the blood that flows through my veins is Russian. Though Russia use to be a communist country, and committed acts of inhumanity upon people, its has made great strides to make life for Russians better. Especially during the Putin reign.
Corruption and crime is everywhere. But in Russia, certain crimes are punished by death. And not by lethal injection.
Criminals know better to harm a child in Russia. And in Romania, who in their right mind would harm a child who has Tepes in their name?
When I first missed my period a few weeks ago, I decided if I was pregnant, I would try my hardest to get Jonathon to agree to move away from America to either Russia or Romania. I admit, I am the one who wants us to live in Russia. He of course, wanted Romania.
When he surprised me last Thursday night with a wedding ceremony, I was speechless. As he wrote in the GLG script; Cinderella got her prince. And no words are so true relating to me. I got my prince. Literally.
I hoped his politician side would emerge when I explained my fears of raising our child here in America. And sure enough, the politician he is, surfaced.
Anyone who knows Jonathon, knows how heartbroken he was when his daughter was murdered in '08. And how hurt he was when his last ex-wife miscarried almost two years ago.
If I lose this baby, there is no way I will stay with Jonathon. I will not be able to look at, what I am sure will be the undying grief written on his face. And, I don't deny, I think he would find a way to kill me for it. He has already stated, if someone harms this child, they will pay with their lives. This from a man who has an impaling pole in our bedroom.
I am thinking positive. If Jonathon's first wife could carry his first child to birth, and she's polish. I being Russian, should be able to carry twins with no problem whatsoever. I don't know if I am having twins. Too early to tell. But, they run in his gene pool. If I have twins, then I think it would be so awesome to have a girl and boy. I would ask Jonathon to name our children after his twins in GLG. Ariel and Ares.
Though I have never killed anyone before. I have realized, to protect my child, especially now, I can and will kill anyone who presents a threat to my baby's life and well-being. And unlike most, I have weapons available to me, people could only imagine. And some of them, don't make a sound.
Though I originally wanted Jonathon to bury the Impaler, I know, the Impaler is too powerful for the grave. I am sure, the Impaler will be put to bed though. And if need be, the Impaler can be awoken. This may be a good thing, if the world goes into total anarchy.
If the US falls, it is only a matter of time, the world will suffer, and weaker countries will collapse too. Though I believe Russia will be able to survive a collapse of the US, Romania may not. So, my family has a safety net: Russia.
Я благодарю Богиня Геката я русский.
A World Without The Impaler
To my and others amazement, Jonathon announced yesterday several times, specially after seeing the ultrasound of our baby, he was going to semi-retire the Impaler. Then eventually bury him. I told his cousin I do not think the Impaler could ever be buried, for it has become to powerful, and is a strong part of Jonathon. She and I think he will semi-retire the Impaler. Here is part of her to me:
I love Jonathon’s statement and I think The Impaler will need to retire sometime. He has a lot of good in him and needs now to concentrate on you, the child and family. I think your family, and love for each other is the most important thing now and if he wants to fight good causes he can do that without The Impaler.
He has informed the movie producer once he finishes filming GLG in Romania, he is not returning to the states. When our plane lands in Romania, besides being packed with movie equipment, it will be packed with our stuff too. We are in the process of buying a home there and in Dmitrov, Russia.
Jonathon nor I, want our children raised in America at this time.
He informed Linda Bezick yesterday, after he films GLG parts 1 and 2, he is staying in Romania and her and Brooke will be in charge of the movies after that.
Jonathon has stated repeatedly he wants one last match. A wrestler he knows has contacted me on FB telling me if he and Jonathon were to wrestle, he would not go after Jonathon's knee and Jonathon would live to fight another day. Don't want him to fight another day, just one last night. So, to this wrestler, you hurt my hubby, I'll be the one holding his impaling pole outside the ring, and I know how to use it.
The plan for us at this time, film TCF and Bloodiest. After Bloodiest, Jonathon will have his last match. Afterwards, he wants to have Dr. Guttentag scope his right knee and prolong his eventually knee replacement.
During his recovery we will prepare to leave for Romania. In June (?), filming GLG scenes in the US should begin. Then, in probably mid-July, pack up the plane and say good-bye to America.
I wrote a blog about the events of yesterday
Everyone must understand, as I think Jonathon has, Its all about us. Us and the baby.
A world without the Impaler? Beginning of a new day is here :)) What no one else could accomplish, a baby and Russian have.
What a day
Overall, it was a great day and night. The doctor told me I am 5 weeks pregnant. Jonathon claims he was able to hear our baby's heart beat when the doctor used the vaginal ultrasound. She said we will definitely hear the heartbeat for sure in 4 weeks when we return. I am not going to say he didn't hear it. He does have good hearing, and he knows what to listen for. And the doctor did not say he was hearing things. But, she didn't said she could hear the heart beating. The smile on his face was priceless. I'm not bursting his joy.
Our baby is expected to arrive to us on September 28th. Just in time for Halloween. I have never felt joy the way I did today when I saw the ultrasound pic of my baby. Having life developing in you, and so dependant on you, is the greatest feeling any woman can ever have. And I wanted to wait until I have 25 to have children. I was way wrong.
After pizza, we went to see Underworld. Before we went into the theater, Jonathon saw a movie looking poster of the Rays. He took a picture of it with his cellphone, and sent it to his movie wife. Wasn't that very nice of my hubby to do? When he was on a date with me.
The movie Underworld was awesome. Best one ever in the series. According to Jonathon, he said Kate Beckinsale must have applied some of the fighting attitudes for Selene from the character she may play in GLG. He could have a point. Elena in GLG is super vicious, and Selene was almost as Elena will be.
After seeing what Kate looks likes today, if she plays Elena, the script is being re-written. Elena and Vlad will not have the love scene the way it is presently written.
I don't think Kate would lose herself and enjoy the scene. And I don't think Jonathon would try to have an affair with Kate. But, he has repeatedly shown he suffers from brain dead moments. Like sending his movie wife a picture while on a date with his real wife. WTF?
We had dinner at Stumps. Great food. Never knew Jonathon liked cornbread. Didn't think he ate it. New item to our food menu. Then against his protest, we went to Howl at the moon. Named for werewolves? It started off cool. Then, the hoes came out from the wood work. Not to mention drunk guys.
WTF is it with people when they are drunk? Guys think they are gods. And girls have no respect for a man's pregnant wife. The matter was compounded when some people recognized Jonathon. Jonathon the vampire. I am happy he has a way of making drunk guys leave our table and not come back. I guess hoes have no fear of a pregnant wife beating the fuck out of them. Not that I would risk harming my baby.
2 girls changed their behavior when they found out I was with child. And were nice to chat with.
I realize now why Jonathon does not like nightclubs. And, he has a point. Its better to go a veteran's post, than a nightclub or bar.
Soon we will be filming TCF again. Then we will be in NOLA. I hope Brooke knows places to hang out at night, where I don't have to worry about drunk guys or hoes trying to sit on Jonathon's lap and be friendly with him.
We may already found our new home in Romania. Jonathon and I both love this house
We may already found our new home in Romania. Jonathon and I both love this house
The US dollar is worth more in Romania. This house is about half of what we were planning to pay here for a home.
In 35 weeks, I will be a mommy. How awesome is that? Its totally awesome.
Friday, January 20, 2012
First Week of Marriage
Last Thursday night, Jonathon surprised me, and at midnight, which was then Friday the 13th, we were joined together as husband and wife in a beautiful Pagan ceremony. We will have our big wedding on March 31. He will have a photographer taking our pictures with Impaler Films' equipment. This means, we own the rights to the pictures.
So, what has it been like to be married to the famed Impaler? Not too bad :)). Been living with him since the end of August. I've seen him happy, sad, moody, injured, drugged up (he's funny after surgery), angry and very lovable.
In the past week, I have chatted with two of his family members. One from his mother's side in NJ. The other from his father's side from Romania. Elena lives in the states.
Both were very kind to me, and supportive of our marriage. They both told me things about Jonathon I did not know. Nothing bad about him.
I also contacted two of Jonathon's ex-wives. One as you know, caused an expression on Jonathon's face that no words can describe. But, he didn't say a word. That in itself is amazing. If not supernatural ;))
I haven't heard back from his first wife. I am curious about one thing he told me. And only she can verify this. And if she does confirmed he told me the truth, I will be in total shock, and probably speechless. As I am sure some of you would be too if you knew.
Marriage is a long hard road. It has many highs and lows. Along with twist and turns. Those who are determined to drive to the end of the road, must be willing to accept their spouse as they are. And not try to change them too much. If you change someone, or take them out of their preferred environment, I believe you change the person you fell in loved with and married.
Together, couples need to grow. Kinda like a tree. They need to have strong roots for their foundation, so they are strong enough to survive the storms they will encounter throughout their lifetime.
I believe our children will be like tree branches. If they are to grow strong, we (Jonathon and me) will need to be strong as one tree and not split apart. In other words, we will need to be devoted to life's journey together, and be ready to take the wheel and drive through a storm, when the other is not strong enough.
The biggest surprise this week, was when Jonathon said by his 50th birthday, he wants to retire from being The Impaler, and bury his public persona. He also wants to move out of the US, to ensure The Impaler will RIP. I have contacted his cousin from Romania, and told her we are interested in buying a house in Constanta, Romania. I also spoke to Jonathon about us getting a house in Dmitrov, Russia. It's close to Moscow, and north of where my family lives. We will be close enough to everything, and still have our own space. This is another blog.
No one knows what the future holds. You can embrace it. Or live in fear of it. I am choosing to embrace what will surely be the ride of a lifetime.
No matter if Jonathon puts his persona to rest, or not, its only a part of him. He has many other parts of his personality, which I'm sure, will keep me on my toes and make our life anything but boring.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
She's an Awesome Romanian and Family Member
As some may know, I found out the hard way, older Romanians do not like Russians. No one would tell me why though.
Yesterday I emailed one of Jonathon's Romanian cousins who live in the states. I asked her many question during the course of the day. I specifically asked her, why Romanians hate Russians.
Here is her response. I cut some stuff out, and added lines and paragraphs.
I have to tell you though that I am not Russian I am Romanian, Jbecause in fact Vlad Tepes was Romanian not Russian. I was born in Bucharest Romania and lived there most of my life.
The story about Russians is a discussion that we should have in person so I can tell you the whole story and understand. Some people because of the communism and being brought by Russia after the World Warr II in our country they still resent the Russians. I don’t like to generalize and I do not resent all of them but only the bad ones as there are bad people in every country and good people also. So don’t let this ruin the feelings that might start growing for Jonathon’s mother country and its beauty. You will find people like this all over the world but doesn’t mean that all the people in that country will be that way.
And I will tell you the story and maybe you will understand somehow the resentment toward the Russians which is more toward Russia, the former one, and in fact communism that was brought in our country and took away freedoms and done a lot of hurt and even killed people. But I bet you know what communism did in that part of the world and still does all over the world where exist still and nobody is really happy about it. But do not let this upset you too much and just read about it ,and internet is a immense source of information and maybe then you will understand better and maybe you will explain them better when you will go back again and I hope you will.
I look forward to tell you more about Romanians and Romania and meet you, please do not get over upset about it.
Where was Elena back in December when I needed her?
Yesterday I emailed one of Jonathon's Romanian cousins who live in the states. I asked her many question during the course of the day. I specifically asked her, why Romanians hate Russians.
Here is her response. I cut some stuff out, and added lines and paragraphs.
I have to tell you though that I am not Russian I am Romanian, Jbecause in fact Vlad Tepes was Romanian not Russian. I was born in Bucharest Romania and lived there most of my life.
The story about Russians is a discussion that we should have in person so I can tell you the whole story and understand. Some people because of the communism and being brought by Russia after the World Warr II in our country they still resent the Russians. I don’t like to generalize and I do not resent all of them but only the bad ones as there are bad people in every country and good people also. So don’t let this ruin the feelings that might start growing for Jonathon’s mother country and its beauty. You will find people like this all over the world but doesn’t mean that all the people in that country will be that way.
And I will tell you the story and maybe you will understand somehow the resentment toward the Russians which is more toward Russia, the former one, and in fact communism that was brought in our country and took away freedoms and done a lot of hurt and even killed people. But I bet you know what communism did in that part of the world and still does all over the world where exist still and nobody is really happy about it. But do not let this upset you too much and just read about it ,and internet is a immense source of information and maybe then you will understand better and maybe you will explain them better when you will go back again and I hope you will.
I look forward to tell you more about Romanians and Romania and meet you, please do not get over upset about it.
Where was Elena back in December when I needed her?
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
WTF Dr. Guttentag?
Today Jonathon had his appointment with orthopedic surgeon Dr. Ira Guttentag.
Guttentag told Jonathon he can return to filming with certain restrictions and conditions. This is great. A lot of people are waiting to get back to filming TCF.
He also warned Jonathon against jumping off a building in NOLA when we film Bloodiest. Jonathon will not heed Guttentag's warning, and will be jumping. I actually think the way it is being planned, Jonathon will be okay.
Then Guttentag told him no wrestling. I totally agree. Jonathon should retire, and focus his energy on acting and producing.
Jonathon then asked Guttentag: "Can I buy a jetpack?" Guttentag said "Sure. No problem." I was livid and still am. How the fuck can he tell Jonathon not to wrestle? Not to jump rope in the movie or ever. To not jump off a building into an air mattress. Or do anything with high impact.
And then tell Jonathon go right ahead and buy a damn jetpack.
WTF Dr. Guttentag? You're telling someone who has a prothetic knee (that really doesn't look pretty), to fly around in the skies connected to a jetpack. This after I emailed him, begging him to say no to Jonathon.
Guttentag gave Jonathon a medical note clearing him to buy this goddamn jetpack. Do you know what he also put on the note? NO HARD LANDINGS. If that ain't the kicker. So, Jonathon can be flying in the skies, then the jetpack malfunctions, and he goes crashing to the ground. WAIT, he can't have a hard impact. I guess the jetpack will turn into a parachute, and allow Jonathon to float safely back to earth.
How many people know the true story how Jonathon's knees were injured? He was in the Army. He jumped out of a plane, and his main parachute failed. I think Jonathon's luck with parachutes are zero to none.
Given the choice between Jonathon wrestling again, or flying around with a jetpack.... I sooner see Jonathon wrestling Pogo again. At least Pogo told me he wouldn't go after Jonathon's knee.
What makes this worse. I sought help from Jonathon's primary doctor at the VA, Dr. Sammy. Sammy tells me; "Its a guy thing. I'd like to have one too." I'm sure his wife would not agree with him having one. That's probably why he doesn't have one.
And I have asked others to speak to Jonathon in hopes of changing his crazy mindset. No one wants to tell Jonathon to be real.
Reality is, I am his wife. I am pregnant. I took care of him after his last knee operation. I took care of him after his stomach being scoped.
If he gets hurt, I can't and won't walk away like some of his exs did. I took our vows serious the other night. So, if he crashes, not only will I have to take care of our child, but, Jonathon too That is, if he survived the crash.
I would tell Jonathon the day he buys that damned thing, I would close my legs on him. As it is, I am already worried what is going to happen when I can't la la la with Jonathon for six weeks after the baby is born. Not to mention, I have no idea how many weeks before giving birth we won't be.
Considering the trashy little hoes already trying to screw Jonathon, there is no way I would try the sex blackmail route. As much as he loves sex, he would fuck one of those hoes the first night I said no.
Those who read this, and claim to be Jonathon's friend. Will you stand with me in stopping his childish, immature, irrational, suicidal desire to fly around like Iron Man?
Guttentag told Jonathon he can return to filming with certain restrictions and conditions. This is great. A lot of people are waiting to get back to filming TCF.
He also warned Jonathon against jumping off a building in NOLA when we film Bloodiest. Jonathon will not heed Guttentag's warning, and will be jumping. I actually think the way it is being planned, Jonathon will be okay.
Then Guttentag told him no wrestling. I totally agree. Jonathon should retire, and focus his energy on acting and producing.
Jonathon then asked Guttentag: "Can I buy a jetpack?" Guttentag said "Sure. No problem." I was livid and still am. How the fuck can he tell Jonathon not to wrestle? Not to jump rope in the movie or ever. To not jump off a building into an air mattress. Or do anything with high impact.
And then tell Jonathon go right ahead and buy a damn jetpack.
WTF Dr. Guttentag? You're telling someone who has a prothetic knee (that really doesn't look pretty), to fly around in the skies connected to a jetpack. This after I emailed him, begging him to say no to Jonathon.
Guttentag gave Jonathon a medical note clearing him to buy this goddamn jetpack. Do you know what he also put on the note? NO HARD LANDINGS. If that ain't the kicker. So, Jonathon can be flying in the skies, then the jetpack malfunctions, and he goes crashing to the ground. WAIT, he can't have a hard impact. I guess the jetpack will turn into a parachute, and allow Jonathon to float safely back to earth.
How many people know the true story how Jonathon's knees were injured? He was in the Army. He jumped out of a plane, and his main parachute failed. I think Jonathon's luck with parachutes are zero to none.
Given the choice between Jonathon wrestling again, or flying around with a jetpack.... I sooner see Jonathon wrestling Pogo again. At least Pogo told me he wouldn't go after Jonathon's knee.
What makes this worse. I sought help from Jonathon's primary doctor at the VA, Dr. Sammy. Sammy tells me; "Its a guy thing. I'd like to have one too." I'm sure his wife would not agree with him having one. That's probably why he doesn't have one.
And I have asked others to speak to Jonathon in hopes of changing his crazy mindset. No one wants to tell Jonathon to be real.
Reality is, I am his wife. I am pregnant. I took care of him after his last knee operation. I took care of him after his stomach being scoped.
If he gets hurt, I can't and won't walk away like some of his exs did. I took our vows serious the other night. So, if he crashes, not only will I have to take care of our child, but, Jonathon too That is, if he survived the crash.
I would tell Jonathon the day he buys that damned thing, I would close my legs on him. As it is, I am already worried what is going to happen when I can't la la la with Jonathon for six weeks after the baby is born. Not to mention, I have no idea how many weeks before giving birth we won't be.
Considering the trashy little hoes already trying to screw Jonathon, there is no way I would try the sex blackmail route. As much as he loves sex, he would fuck one of those hoes the first night I said no.
Those who read this, and claim to be Jonathon's friend. Will you stand with me in stopping his childish, immature, irrational, suicidal desire to fly around like Iron Man?
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
My hubby is yummie :))
Most guys who marry girls much younger than they are, like showing off their trophy wives. It is rare, a younger wife will want to show off her older husband.
My hubby has been working out so hard, he looks fifteen years younger than what he actually is.
This Friday, I am taking my hubby out to see Underworld, then dinner. Afterwards, as much as he hates nightclubs, I am taking him clubbing. I want to show off my older and yummie husband.
He now weights 200 pounds. And with the ab workouts he's now doing, his abs will soon rival Stallone's.
I just came back from the gym with Jonathon. His trainer worked him for straight two hours. First hour only AB workout exactly like Sylvester Stallone does
Second hour was only cardio on two different machines.
He worked Jonathon so hard, he got sick and vomited. Trainer said it was a good workout.
Since I am with child and can't workout, I will help push Jonathon to his limits, and make him better. On Thursday, I am going to film his workout. I will make a cameo too :))
There is a guy on FB who was sounding negative to me about Jonathon's age. To this person I say, Stallone is 65. Not many men at that age, look that good. And Jonathon is 47, doing the same workouts. I will put my hubby up against any guy in the movies we are in. And up against any bf or husband of a girl who is in the movies.
My hubby has been working out so hard, he looks fifteen years younger than what he actually is.
This Friday, I am taking my hubby out to see Underworld, then dinner. Afterwards, as much as he hates nightclubs, I am taking him clubbing. I want to show off my older and yummie husband.
He now weights 200 pounds. And with the ab workouts he's now doing, his abs will soon rival Stallone's.
I just came back from the gym with Jonathon. His trainer worked him for straight two hours. First hour only AB workout exactly like Sylvester Stallone does
Second hour was only cardio on two different machines.
He worked Jonathon so hard, he got sick and vomited. Trainer said it was a good workout.
Since I am with child and can't workout, I will help push Jonathon to his limits, and make him better. On Thursday, I am going to film his workout. I will make a cameo too :))
There is a guy on FB who was sounding negative to me about Jonathon's age. To this person I say, Stallone is 65. Not many men at that age, look that good. And Jonathon is 47, doing the same workouts. I will put my hubby up against any guy in the movies we are in. And up against any bf or husband of a girl who is in the movies.
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