Before the 5pm dateline Jonathon set for my script to be completed so it can be filed with the WGA, I finished it :)). With Jonathon's help though.
The other day I realized, I was writing a movie about a fighter, and I knew nothing about boxing. Other than what I've learned from being with Jonathon in the gym.
I was shocked by Jonathon's willingness to help me. I was further astonished when I asked Jonathon what would his fee be for starring in, and helping me with the movie. A kiss <3 and I have to donate 10% of the movie profits to Russian orphanages to help provide for the children.
At times I forget, the Impaler has a heart for others :)) Jonathon is giving 10% of the profits from his Vlad movies to Romanian orphanages.
I will make subtle changes to the movie script, because I think Jonathon made too many changes to my storyline.
I now have a script filed with WGA. This is totally awesome :))