Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The words a pregnant woman never wants to hear

I stated in a previous blog, how I knew karma would eventually get even with me for being judgmental regarding how Jonathon looked when we first met. Because of his surgeries, and being unable to workout, he was fat, old looking. Nothing like he looks like;

Photo property of RDTS Productions

Every Tuesday is his weigh in day. His trainer wanted Jonathon to reach a certain weight before adding weight training to Jonathon's workouts. Today, he reached the required weight. Starting tomorrow, Jonathon adds weight training to his 6 day a week workout schedule. I did not want to hear those words.

Usually this would be no big deal. A wife would be happy their hubby was improving his body. Not in my case.

In 8 weeks, Jonathon will be nicely built and toned. I will be fat, tired looking and irritable. Looking nothing like I did the first time Jonathon saw me.

What makes this worse, just like the night of our first date, there are teenage stanks wanting to be with Jonathon. And now, I am pregnant and getting fat. Some would think I am vulnerable to losing my hubby to a stank.

Most women say, they do not want to be considered a sexual object to men. Especially by their bf or spouse. I don't share this belief. I am glad Jonathon is thinking of me this way. I am happy when he feels me up. And when he takes me passionately without warning, I very happy :)) I could care less we are staining the sofa, my desk, kitchen counters.............

I know, as long as Jonathon is having me several times a day, he certainly isn't with someone else. Or wanting someone else.

The more he wants me, the more I know he loves me. His eyes give him away.  I can see inside his heart and soul.

I am 19 years old. My hubby is 47. He no longer looks his age. Nor has he ever act it. I'm not complaining. Well, his 5 year old tamper tantrums are hard to handle at times. On the bright side, I am getting practice on how to handle a 5 year old fit.

Sunday was the Oscars. If it wasn't I allowed my blood pressure to get high, we would have been there. People around the world are talking Angelina Jolie's dress;

   Jonathon said, "if I wore that dress, or something like it, they better sit us by a door. Because I'd fuck you every 30 minutes." I asked him, would he be like that if I was really showing. His response after feeling up my right leg "I'd fuck you in that dress if you were 9 months pregnant." Then you can imagine what happened next. I'm not complaining ;)^)

Most women would be offended if their man said that. Not me.

Some guys on FB have made comment about Jonathon's age. And I won't be beautiful forever. A few said, I may be wasting my looks on him. To them I say; you wish you were a 10th the man Jonathon is. My hubby has teenagers younger than me wanting him, and he is devoted to me. He has done an amazing physical turnaround since October '11. Jonathon isn't getting old. He's getting better. And he can fuck you all up!

You know your hubby loves you, when he has girls younger than you, wanting him, and he pays them no mind.

In 8 weeks, my hubby will look super hot. And he will be all mine. I know I'm getting the better part of his transformation. I'll be fat. He'll be hot. And though he can have any girl he wants,  he loves and wants only me in every way <3

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Some people are idiots.

I am beginning to realizing what Anna Chapman meant when she said she does pay attention to idiots. Or let them get to her. And she is right. But, when they make false statements against your loved ones, you must defend your loved ones. 

As most people know, I regularly check search engines to see what people are saying about Jonathon and me. I found someone who questioned whether or not Jonathon ever had a NASCAR racing license.
I am collecting everything I feel our children will think is awesome about their dad. A NASCAR race license will be totally awesome to them. I have his old racing outfit too.

This is from 2003. I think there is nothing my hubby can't do. This is why, I am in fear of his statement saying he wants to get me pregnant, while I'm pregnant. Have one baby and then a few months later another. OM Goddess.

I know it is hard to believe, but, my hubby does whatever he wants. He is from Vlad Tepes' bloodline. Like any great warrior, he conquers or does what he wants. I admit, Jonathon conquered me; A Russian.

To the victor goes the rewards.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I can't believe it

I was born in April 1992. I discovered an article today about Jonathon. I first thought it was from 1993. I looked at it more carefully, and saw it was from 1 June 1991. I wasn't even conceived then.

Here's the article:

My hubby beat up a Russian World Champion. How dare he. What I can't believe is this. Jonathon was famous and a great fighter before I was born. And when we first met, I looked at him like he was old, fat and just something less than what I thought he was. Other girls did not share my idea of him.

On our first date, Jonathon's ex-gf Paige called him and didn't get the hint he was busy. He was busy trying to make me fall in love with him. I finally had to tell her to fuck off. Then, a few minutes later, a 16 year old girl calls him. I was like; WTF?

Now Jonathon looks like he once did, if not better. And I'm starting to look like the tired pregnant girl. Eventually, I'll be the fat tired pregnant girl. Yet, the more pregnant I look, the more attractive to me he has become.

I think I look horrible right now, especially after being sick tonight. Once I felt better, Jonathon wanted to take a shower with me and wash me. And as usual we had an hour long shower. I'm not complaining. I enjoy our showers :))~

I can't believe as I am changing, he is more attracted to me. Jonathon now likes to place his hands around  where the baby is when we sleep. And in the shower. Except during lalala in the shower. He rubs the baby area right afterwards. Why?
Jonathon seems more attractive to me now, than when we first started dating. Why?

We have had more lalala in this month, than any other month since September. In October he did have knee operated on. In November he had his stomach scoped. He still kept his daily streak alive though. Jonathon was perfectly fine in December and January. But, this month, I am sick, feel disgusting, I am crappy, irritable and he is acting like a horny teenager. I'm not complaining at all ;))  Just can't figure it out.

Jonathon should be less interested in me now. Instead, the minute he sees skin on me, he attacks. Passionately.

I can't believe it. But, I'm not complaining <3

Friday, February 17, 2012

Jonathon and my children's bloodline

My bloodline is one I am proud of. Though I hate my parents.  How grand will our children be? Jonathon descendant of Vlad Tepes. And I from Dolgorukov bloodline. http://www.rulex.ru/01050561.htm  

The world already knows the fear my hubby can and has brought upon his enemies. Like Vlad, Jonathon's name strike fear into the hearts of his enemies and cause them to run for their lives.

I may be only 19, and have made many mistakes in life. Not to mention been abused by an asshole. Though I am far ideal, like Vlad and Jonathon, I am brining honor to the name of Tepes. Here is proof, I am not only Russian, but, a Tepes;   

I had issue with the Consul of Romania in Washington, DC. So, this morning I went directly to Romania Ambassador Vlerita. By the time I returned home from my doctor's visit, Consul Deaconu had contacted me and apologized. I may be small in built. But, I can unleash a fury that hell could not compare to.

Our children will not take shit from anyone. Government leaders will bow in respect to the children I will bare.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My birth name is;

I've been asked since I am now becoming more public with IMDb and my movies, what my birth name is. My birth name is Rakhil Dolgorukov. Those who know Russian, know Rakhil is the Russian name for Rachel. And those who know their Russian history may recognize my surname of Dolgorukov. I will not release where I was born. I intend on returning to the city of my birth as a superstar when we film in Russia.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

An Open Letter To My Parents

Father and Mother,

You said Jonathon was no good. He would abuse and hurt me. You said he was crazy. You said Jonathon only wanted to use me. He would never do anything good for me.

I've been with Jonathon since the end of August '11. We have endured our ups and down. And he was not done anything you said he would. Jonathon has been more loving and supportive of me in the last almost 6 months, than either one of you have been my whole life.

He is so devoted to me, he is sacrificing his own standing in Hollywood to help me achieve my dreams. The dreams you both told me was crazy.

Who's the crazy one now?

Jonathon is the only one in my family who doesn't think I am crazy, and is opening doors for me to become someone in life. You two are the ones who are weak and pathetic. You are both evil people.

You left Russia not to make a better life for me. You left because you weren't strong enough to stay and live through the changes. You are both cowards. Thats right. I am calling you cowards. Pathetic ones.

This October, I will return to Russia and live in big house in Dmitrov. I will drive Porsche and wear the finest clothes. My home will be furnish like inside of palace. I will love and support the dreams of my children. I will not insult them and make them feel like shit, like you made me feel.

My hubby loves our unborn child more than the both of you ever loved me. Unlike you both, he is very loving parent. And he truly loves and even worships me. Jonathon worship the ground I walk on.

Мать и отец, я молю вас болезненные смерть до рождения моего ребенка.Черви Ешьте вам. В моих глазах вы мертвы. Я ненавижу тебя со всеми внутри меня.


Our first Valentine's Day

Yesterday was my first and several dozens with Jonathon. As you have read, the night before he gave me the best Valentine's Day gift I could have been given. He told me he wanted our big wedding to be in Dmitrov, Russia so my family and friends could attend.

Its hard to believe in September, I was saying to myself; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLvK5nKbo6w&feature=BFa&list=LLwsFajz509uYs8nbWcDsB_w&lf=mh_lolz

Now, I could not see a day without Jonathon in my life <3

Yesterday morning was like Christmas morning. We opened our gifts to each other. Jonathon gave me this cute bear

And a heart of candy
I gave him what he's been dying to find for weeks, Product 19

I must admit, not only does Jonathon like it. But, our child does too. So, Jonathon can't deprive his child the good food the baby wants ;)) I know where to get more Product 19.

It would have been very stupid of me hoping the day would have been perfect. Sure enough, a stank had to cross the line. Not just any STANK, a real bitch; Paige Brewer. She contacted Jonathon yesterday. I know this, because while he was sleeping, she texted him wishing him a Happy Valentine's Day and reminding him it was their 2nd anniversary. I can't believe 2 years ago, he was dating her. YUCK!

WTF Paige? You know he is married to me. I am giving him children. And though I have warned you to stay away, you still call and text my hubby. "When you cross a Russian woman, she will have her revenge!" Paige, I will unleash a furious wrath upon you, which will make Hurricane Katrina look like a quick passing shower.

Upon seeing the multiple text she sent Jonathon, I woke sleeping beauty up. I asked him where he took the stank for dinner. They went to Outback. He knew better than to take me there last night. He had already decided on Logan Roadhouse. Smart man.

After the Paige incident, my day bloomed to a level I can't describe. One of Jonathon's movie sponsors is in corporate chaos. The president was fired. The person who was assigned to help Jonaton, left the company. Jonathon should be happy he was given most of the sponsorship products for his movie The Comeback Fighter. I think there will be no cash flow anymore from this company.

Where I, may have secured a sponsor for my movie, that will be totally awesome. Should know more today. I have no negotiating experience. And who is going to give a large amount of money to a 19 year old first time film maker. So, my sweet loving hubby, will have to finalize the sponsorship for me.

Funny how I have to turn to my hubby for help. Being 19 is a drag at times. They like my script. They seem to like what I have filmed too. This will be so awesome, if I secure a big sponsor for my movie. It will put pressure on Russian companies to help me. How could Russia be shown up by an American company. Russians are competitive. Especially against Americans. Look at Joanthon and me. We are very competitive. I wrote it into the script too. I know to make Jonathon do what I ask, I must feed his ego and tail.

I have no problem feeding tail. His ego is another thing.

Dinner was great. We walked around afterwards. It was a nice night. Then we came home.

After checking my emails, I finally discovered the name of the stank who kissed Jonathon on set in Destin, FL in September while I was in Ithaca, NY collecting my stuff because my parents were being assholes to me, about dating Jonathon. HA. Now we are happily married and I am with child. A child they will only see from pictures on the internet and videos I post to show the world my precious child. I hope they die before my child is born.

Then like any loving couple on Valentine's Day, Jonathon and I went to bed early.

I woke up after 7am. He is just crawling out of bed >:))

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Jonathon canceled our 31 March 2012 wedding

Jonathon canceled our wedding of March 31 after watching Edward and Bella marriage. He said it would be selfish of him to have two weddings with me, without my friends and family in attendance. He was thinking about it for a while according to him. But, he wants to have his fairytale wedding and our child there.

I think he is taking the page from our movie wedding and making it real. I'm not complaining.

I believe Dmitrov, Russia is in for the wedding of a lifetime.

We are wedding on 22/12/12. Not only is it after the winter solstice, but, it is on the anniversary of his grandfather's death. Changing sad day, for a happy one.

Though Breaking Dawn's wedding made Jonathon realize having your loved ones, friends and child present makes your wedding day so much more precious, the part of Bella and her baby made him realize the dangers of childbearing.

As he looked at me, I saw his fears through his tears. Then I saw inside his mind. I know what he is considering. And though I know eventually it will happen, I don't want it to happen for a while. I want to wait until I having our 3-4 children.

I curse his ex-wife Megan for killing his daughter in '08. And I hate his ex Audrianna for having a miscarriage. These two people are making my pregnancy for Jonathon a living nightmare. I fear by the time I give birth, his stomach will explode. 
I am thinking about having Dr. Samer Mikhail prescribe tranquilizers for Jonathon. Otherwise, I am afraid the stress will seriously hurt him.

I finally realized what Jonathon meant in August. There is Jonathon. And there is the Impaler. They are two separate people. And unlike the Impaler, Jonathon has a heart. And I so love that heart and him.

Dmitrov, this wedding will go down in the history books of Russia. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

First day as a movie director

Today was my first day as co-director for The Comeback Fighter. I also filmed 12 parts for my movie The Comeback Fighter: Naughtia's Revenge!

My day started off by busting on my hubby by waking him up early. He hates to wake up early.
I quickly edited this video clip of Jonathon, Brooke Bezick and Allyson Tombesi.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thrsFC--T8A&list=LLwsFajz509uYs8nbWcDsB_w&feature=mh_lolz

Then when we arrived on set, I tried to attach the main camera on a tripod. I put the wrong tripod mount on the camera, and it wouldn't attach.

Jonathon took the camera from me, took off the mount and reached in the camera bag and mounted the right one on. It took 2 seconds to attached the camera. He looked at me, with filming crew and gym members around us, and said; "here you go amateur." Talk about being publicly insulted. I wanted to kill him.

Then we started to film his movie. He filmed for 3 straight hours. To my amazement, he took my instructions well, and was understanding about re-takes.

We broke for lunch. Jonathon iced his knee and we went back to film my movie. This is awesome. I am filming parts of my own movie. Last week the script wasn't finish.

To those who dis my hubby for his age, I hope you watch how he pulverizes a 100 pound plus  heavybag. He rattles it so hard, the bag came loose from the ceiling. He was showing off I'm sure. But, he hits with how can I say; the force of a category 5 hurricane. I know, I stoled the line from Jonathon's script. Sue me :o))
Jonathon was so hyped by what he did to the bag, he decided to film what I felt would be the hardest part of my movie for him to film. The part where his character jumps rope after having his legs replaced. And my hubby did the part without his braces.

I did not want him to. But, who can stop him when he is hyped.

After filming it, he was so proud of himself. As was I. He said; FU@K YEAH after doing it. I may keep his personal comment in there.

Out of concern Jonathon may have injured his knee again, I immediately ending filming for the day. While he was taking off his boxing gear, I was having everyone pack up the film and audio equipment. 

When we got home, I had him lay on the sofa. I got his ice packs and wrapped his knee up. I then contacted his doctors to advise them of what he did. 

After his icing time was up, I took the ice packs off his knee and took my............. and rewarded my star for his hard work and dedication to my film.

Time to give him another ice treatment :),)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The difference between a Russian and American movie producer

I am proud I was born in Russia. Though I lied to Jonathon about my birth place up until 2 weeks ago.

My philosophy is; a Russian or as I now say: Soviet, will go to any lengths to succeed and win. Where an American or any one else is this world, would worry about human pain and suffering. Either their own, or someone else's.

I love my hubby dearly. Like me, Jonathon believes in not failing. Achieving your goals takes a win or die trying attitude. Your mind must be strong and focus on success. Not failure.

To those who may believe there are lengths I will not go to make my movie look great and realistic, here is my email to Dr. Guttentag, Jonathon' surgeon.

Dr. Guttantag,

As you know I am from Russia. If you speak to your Russian players, they will tell you what I am about to ask you, is something a Russian movie producer would do. So do not think I am idiot.

In my movie, Jonathon's character has his legs replaced. He is opened from his hip to his ankle. I was told it would be more cost effective for me, to hire surgeon to surgically cut Jonathon from his hip to his ankle on both legs.

Jonathon has so many scars on his knees from surgeries, and scars on his legs. Two more will not matter. I am not asking you fully open his legs. Just cut enough to make real scars for my movie.

I of course will want to film this. You can do this at your center. Yes? 

Since Jonathon trust you, if you agree, he will agree.

If you refuse, as much as Jonathon respects you, I will find doctor to cut him.

I hope you say yes to me. I of course will have Jonathon release you of any and all legal obligations.  

I am already arranging with Jonathon's therapist to film Jonathon the day after his surgery in the scenes written after his character has his surgery. I will keep to the storyline. 

What other producer or actor would do this? Only one with a Soviet mindset. In Jonathon's case, the Impaler will enjoy this. 

Do you think I am crazy? If so, that is your right. Will this be the talk of the movie industry? You better believe it. Will this bring more attention top my movie and make people interested in seeing it? I believe it will.

Why work your ass off, and not have an awesome film. My film will be awesome.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The shoe on the other foot

When I met my hubby Jonathon in August 2011, I had no intentions dating him. For several reasons. 1) I was coming out of an abusive relationship. 2) He was older than my father. 3) When I read he was a vampire, I thought he was out there. 4) He was blading. Not to mention fat.

Here is a pic of Jonathon I found today from April 2011.

When I meet him he had lost maybe 10 pounds or so since April. He was still big though. 

I did want a role in one of his movies. I was hoping for a role in Bloodiest. Then, he grew on me. 

His old world charm, and being a gentleman. I've admitted to him, I actually was taken by the Impaler persona. After being abused, I wanted to be protected. Who better to protect me, than the Impaler. As soon as my ex-bf found out who I was dating, he stopped all contact with me.

On our first official date, Jonathon's ex-gf Paige Brewer called him. That's right, Paige. She was contacting him while we were out. I became so pissed, I told her I was Jonathon's new gf and she would never have him again. Ever. I said some other things to her too. I won't post them.

Then after I got rid of Paige, a 16 year old called Jonathon. I'm like WTF? This guy who I think is old and fat (Jonathon does admit he was at that time), has these teen girls contacting him, wanting to be with him.

This lead me to start questioning my own concerns about him. If these girls are willing to fight me over Jonathon, what do they know about him, I didn't.

Then came that faithful afternoon, when we went out to lunch, and back to his apartment. They say when you look into the eyes of a vampire you are hypnotized. All the times Jonathon and I were together before then, he wore his dark sunglasses. Then he took them off, and looked into my eyes. That was it. 

And when he kissed me, I was blown away. Next thing I knew, I was in bed with him. I'm not complaining. Usually you expect an old guy to not be very passionate. Or have stamina. Wrong was I on both counts. I was afraid by the time he fell asleep, he was going to .... me to death. He brags how his vampire grandmother f-ed her second husband to death. Glad I'm not Jonathon's second wife.

The day after his knee operation in October, he was in the gym to my surprise. And he was like a man on a mission. Come to find out, he was. He wanted to reverse the damage he suffered and excess weight he gained since his knee was injured in 2008.

As you all know, Jonathon looks nothing like he once did.

(In the above picture Jonathon is wearing the same shirt he wore in April 2011)

Now it is Feb. 7, 2012. He weighs 201 pounds and is looking great and YUMMIE :))

And I am almost 8 weeks with child. As I gain weight, Jonathon is losing his. Soon I will look fat and nothing like I did in August when I wanted nothing to do with him because of his looks. And my hubby will look like, a very well toned athletic guy who looks like he is in his late 20's early 30's.

I have already seen first hand, women do not care of a man's wife is pregnant, if they want the guy.

They say karma gets even. Well, karma has her eyes set on me. And I don't like it. This shoe does not feel good on me.

Soon I will have to entrust my marriage and heart to someone who has a history of breaking up with his wives. My biggest concern, as I wanted nothing to do with him because of how he use to look, he will feel the same way about me.

I have realized in his scripts, he writes his own persona into the character he will play. I pray what he wrote in my script is from his heart. If in a year from now he hasn't regressed into the way he once was,  I will be so happy. And I will never deny him anything. And I mean anything. Except being with another woman ;))

Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Fan Group

Okay everyone. I admit, my hubby at times is the biggest pain in the ass who has ever lived. He is moody. He has a mouth you just want to rip off him at times. He gets this arrogant smug look on his face when you are trying to tell him off, that makes you want to beat the fuck out of him.

And he loves to market and promote himself. Reporters have commented in articles how good Jonathon is at this.

Though he is not always like I just mention, when he is, he could drive anyone to drink.

But, when my hubby opens his heart, there is no one who can hold a candle to him. And when he uses his abilities for good, those who he wants to help, are very grateful.

Right now, I am the most grateful person in the world. My hubby Jonathon surprised me with a fan group on FB. Here is the link http://www.facebook.com/groups/292899024106135/ Never would I ever have believed I would have a fan group.

I know his ex-wfe Megan is going to read this. So without hesitation I say to you Megan; you are truly to me, the most stupidest girl in the world. You had Jonathon. You lost him. Thank you for committing an act of stupid.

To my parents who I know read my blog, Jonathon and I are doing just fine without you. Our children will grow up just fine without having known you. I have been blessed by the Goddess greater than I could have ever dreamed.

Thank you Goddess. And I especially want to thank my hubby for loving me.

To Jonathon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gO1h_-cqpc&list=LLwsFajz509uYs8nbWcDsB_w&index=26&feature=plpp_video

Can passionate sex make you dream better?

In the middle of Friday night, Jonathon's bad dream not other woke him up, but the jolt his body suffered woke me up.

Jonathon had a really bad nightmare. Honestly, I never saw fear in someone eyes and face, like I saw on Jonathon's when I turned on the light. I can not describe his look. That is how bad it was.  Because of the nightmare, I was shadowed by Jonathon all day yesterday.

Since he found out I was pregnant, though we are keeping "our" streak of everyday alive, he was not been nearly as passionate as he use to be. I believe out of fear of hurting the baby. I will not try to prove his fears wrong.

Much to my surprise last night, right before we took a shower together, his passionate side reemerged. I was not, nor will I complain.  Last night when I decided to reward him for his self-control, he showed  anything but control. Not complaining.

This morning when I woke up, I looked over to see him with a smile. He was still sleeping. When he woke up, he told me he had a dream. In his dream,  I not only had a healthy baby, but, the girl he wants.

Makes me wonder? Was our multiple times of passion the reason behind his pleasant dream? He seems to not be as protective of me today. He still wasn't put away part of his arsenal he pulled out yesterday. It is nice to know, if anyone tried to break into our home, they better pray the cops get them, before Jonathon impales them :))

Passion is great. Does it make your dreams sweeter though?

Saturday, February 4, 2012

First Script Finished :))

Before the 5pm dateline Jonathon set for my script to be completed so it can be filed with the WGA, I finished it :)). With Jonathon's help though.

The other day I realized, I was writing a movie about a fighter, and I knew nothing about boxing. Other than what I've learned from being with Jonathon in the gym.

I was shocked by Jonathon's willingness to help me. I was further astonished when I asked Jonathon what would his fee be for starring in, and helping me with the movie. A kiss <3 and I have to donate 10% of the movie profits to Russian orphanages to help provide for the children.

At times I forget, the Impaler has a heart for others :)) Jonathon is giving 10% of the profits from his Vlad movies to Romanian orphanages.

I will make subtle changes to the movie script, because I think Jonathon made too many changes to my storyline.

I now have a script filed with WGA. This is totally awesome :))