Tuesday, March 27, 2012

To: Kasina Wheeler

Приветствия Kasina,

So, you want to get me in trouble with Jonathon. You worthless Russian traitor. It is Russians like you that caused the collapse of Soviet Union. Like those Russians, you are weak, pathetic, stupid fucking idiot. You have no honor nor courage. You are a disgrace to my homeland. Russians like you, should never be allowed to return home. You and they should be made an outcast.

Yes. I made Jonathon make an agreement with me, so you two could fuck each other brains out. Like a smart woman, realizing my hubby was taking on a lover, because of my medical condition, I wanted to protect myself if he ever decided to leave me and his child for you. Unlike his pathetic first wife, who he left for a 22 year old virgin, I wasn't going to be fucked over. If you and Jonathon decided to start your own life, I made sure my child nor I would be poor. What woman wouldn't want to protect herself and her child financially? It is wise to protect your family. You are idiot. A stupid, worthless, money hungry bitch. 

I am a Dolgorukov. In Russian, my family name is well respected. When I return, I will bring more honor to my name.

Do you know why your parents killed themselves? Because they didn't want to live knowing they created someone like you. A traitor. A loser. A good for nothing sewer rat. No one likes rats. And thats why no one likes you.

When you return to my country, I will be waiting. I will not fight you here. I will wait till you step foot in my country. And when I get my hands on you in Saint Petersburg, I will show all of Russia, especially Jonathon how pathetic and weak you truly are. Jonathon will be so ashamed he wanted you, he will never look at another woman. 

You said to me; "Kasina Wheeler okaa but i'm sure i wouldn't want sex all the time"   You will never have sex with Jonathon. Because he doesn't like losers. And you are the biggest loser ever in the history of Russia. 

You think you are a witch. Well, this Russian is a true witch. And I invoke the Goddess Hecate to kill not only our sick bird, but all the animals you love.  May your life be full of pain, suffering and sorrow. The only reason why I do not ask the Goddess to kill everyone you love, is because you love Jonathon. 

Да здравствует Долгоруковы. 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The American Courts are an evil empire. Not Russia.

Americans claim Russia, especially old Soviet Union was an evil empire.  Ronald Reagan especially felt the Soviet Union as an evil empire http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=do0x-Egc6oA in his own words he says I am from the evil empire.  It is the country of Reagan that is the evil empire.

Before I continue, my hubby is a fan of President Reagan. And though Jonathon idolizes Reagan, he is allowing me to express my opinion.

For decades, America's leaders have tried to influence other countries into the American way of thinking. Even when, it is as clear as the sun outside my window, America is extremely dysfunctional.  Especially its court, law enforcement and leaders.

Americans claim my president, Vladimir Putin is a dictator. If this was true, Putin would not have allowed 10's of thousands Russians to publicly protest him before the elections. Let citizens of Cuba, Iran, China, Korea assemble in protest. See how long it takes for military to show up and start executing them.

In the Orlando area in Florida, an innocent teenager was shot to death by what I would describe as a racist. To this day, the murderer is walking free, as the victims family is being victimized by those sworn to protect them. Who is the evil empire? Putin would not tolerate this kind of criminal act. Why does Obama?

Today in the mail, Jonathon received an order from the court in Indiana presiding other the matter regarding his ex-wife killing their child. The death happened in 2008. Jonathon challenged the court regarding the punishment of his ex. It seems after June 30, 2009 the Indiana legislature amended the Child Wrongful Death Statute. The penalties are now harsher for those who murder a child. Jonathon's daughter died in August 2008.  Sucks to be Jonathon. Great to be a murderer.

I am scared to death if I do not give birth to a healthy baby, Jonathon's family in Romania will kill me. They already told me, if something happens to the baby, I better never step foot in Romania. And his American born ex-wife is still walking around free. WTF?

The judge has ordered the sentencing for July 18, 2012. Isn't this nice of the judge. Almost 4 years after Jonathon's daughter was killed, his ex will pay for her actions. Who is the evil empire?

Russia isn't this compassionate. And with Putin back in power, I know my children will never have to live in fear of someone like Jonathon's ex-wife harming them. And lets not forget the land of Vlad. If this happened in Romania, Jonathon's family would have killed her immediately. Shift justice.

No system is perfect. It is clear in America those with money are above the law. Kennedy killed his pregnant secretary. No jail time. No conviction either.

George Bush lied and caused thousands of military to be killed. Is he is jail? No. Why?

I admit, some people, like Jonathon, bring on their own legal problems. Jonathon is vocal and speaks out against the evil American empire.

On Wednesday night, Jonathon and I watched Bill O'Reilly

O'Reilly said "how if you speak out against them, you will be target. Silence the opposition." 

I am sure this government doesn't like hearing my thoughts. Deport me back to Russia. Wait.  I'll be there in 6 months. And happier than I have ever been. I will only have to worry about Jonathon saying hey yo to Russians. May the Goddess give the Russians patience and understanding when they encounter Jonathon. 

Who is the evil empire?  

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I am sick and tired of people telling me and Jonathon, after they find out I had an accident Saturday night, he is the adult in our relationship. WTF am I? 'cause I'm not a child. I am 19 years old. In 18 days I will be 20. When you turn 18, you are considered an adult. I'm almost 2 years into being a legal adult.

Saturday night, Jonathon and I were very passionate in bed. I lost my balance, and fell off our bed. Our bed is higher than most beds because of Jonathon's knees. I landed on the floor. The last thing I needed. So tomorrow I am having surgery. Most of those who knew, were pissed at Jonathon. WTF? Do you not think I enjoy; making love, having sex, or being fucked hard by my hubby? I enjoy it more than you could ever know. Ever since he started taking the shots, he's a sex machine. We had a great sex life before his shots, but now, words can describe it.

I've been told people are offended by my comments about my sex life with Jonathon. Why is it okay for a guy to brag about having sex with multiple women? But, if a woman brags how great her sex life with her hubby, it's taboo. It isn't like I am sleeping around with other guys. I'm with my hubby. I am proud of what I helped create.  

Jonathon went from being fat and old looking, to looking like a hunk. What woman reading this, wouldn't want to have sex with my hubby? That is, if you weren't married or Jonathon wasn't married to me.

Stanky hoes keep sending Jonathon pictures of themselves. Many of the pictures are nudes or half nudes. One of his exes sends him nudes. She sent one of her P to his cell phone, after knowing we were married.

If your hubby was getting pictures like this, what would you do? I can't beat the fuck out of her because I want to give birth to a healthy baby. I can't take anymore chances with my body.

I usually post about my sex life with Jonathon, after someone sends him a picture or an invite. Its my way of letting the hoe know, if I am satisfying Jonathon, why would he want them.

And if I want to brag about my sex life with my hubby, its not a crime. Nor is it a crime for a girl to have multiple organisms.  Organisms are great. Especially when your hubby is the cause of them.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Women are the superior gender

My hubby says in the Garden of Eden, Lucifer told Eve the truth. Women are superior to men, and can make a man do anything we want them to. Lucifer then told Eve, tell Adam to eat the apple. What happened next? Eve walked up to Adam and asked him to eat. And Adam eat the apple.

Since then, women have been able to get men to do what we want them to.

Men may be physically stronger, as far as brut strength.  But, intellectually women are superior. A superior intellect will always prevail over brut force.

No matter the race, women are superior.

Why do I speak of this. Someone on FB posted a picture of a black man holding hands with a white girl. They posted with the picture: Like, if you are not racist <3

Why is it always a black man with a white woman? Because like all men, black men think they are superior. No man is superior to a woman. And sooner men realize they are below us, the better this world will be.

In Russia, there are no black people. This is because of the Soviet Union. I was raised if a black man tried to get with me, to hurt him as badly as I can. In Russia, if a black man disrespected a Russian woman, he would be killed. One way or another.

My hubby Jonathon could snap my neck in seconds. If he ever hit me, if I didn't die from the punch, I certainly would be hospitalized.

Over the weekend I totally fucked up. I didn't cheat on him. I cost him a lot of money. This morning Jonathon found out. The way he looked at me, made me wonder how much his punch would hurt. I was prepared to fly through the air. Fortunately for me,  he stared at me, and walked away.

I never doubted his love for me. Today I realized, Jonathon loves me more than anyone or thing.

No matter what Jonathon says, or anyone else, I have great influence over the fame impaler. And I know, if someone was to piss me off, if I told Jonathon to fuck them up, he would. And he is only getting bigger and stronger.

I strongly believe President Putin will re-form the Soviet Union. And the new Soviet Union will be the one and only true world superpower. And if Obama is re-elected president, it is only a matter of time before Putin takes over the USA. And if he is smart, he would appoint women like Anna Chapman to his cabinet.

I am a Russian woman, born in the Soviet Union. I am proud and superior.

Да здравствует Россия :))

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hi there

Its been a trying few weeks. I haven't posted anything because I have been on bed rest and Jonathon has limited my computer time.

I have preeclampsia and a bacterial infection in my large intestine. My blood pressure was very high a few weeks ago, but, it is getting back close to a normal range.

This has been a very trying time, to say the least. I am blessed my hubby can handle stressful medical situations.

Though my doctor doesn't want me having sex, I am not allowing an opportunity to arise for a stank to get her hooks into Jonathon. Though he's not getting it as much as he is use too, he's still being fed enough ;)) And, I am not denying myself pleasure either.

I should be able to make more postings from now on. I hope everyone had a great Saint Patrick's Day :))

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Да здравствует Путин!

The Russian people have spoken. And once again Vladimir Putin is to become President of Russia. Long live Putin.
I am happy for my country and countrymen. Especially for my unborn children who will be raised in a good country.
Besides my children being very well protective by their father, they will be raised in a country where the actions of criminals who prey upon children is not accepted. Unlike in America, where those who abuse children are not harshly punished.
This is the beginning of a new chapter in Russia's history. And I pray the beginning of the return of the Soviet Union.
May my countrymen remember what one of the founding Americans once said; "United we stand. Divided we fall." This is true for us. If we reform Soviet Union, no one can defeat us.
Да здравствует Путин!

Saturday, March 3, 2012


5 months my hubby looked like this:

an old looking fat man.

Now, after 5 months of training my hubby like a Soviet athlete, he looks like this:

This is what I go to bed with every night. And will for all eternity ;),)

I am far from done working on Jonathon. I rate his body at C-. By the time I give birth to our child, Jonathon will have a rating of A+

Without a doubt, Jonathon's new look will attract more stanks. These stanks better realize: "If your cross a Russian woman, she will have her REVENGE!" And I will not be pregnant forever.

Taking the song a Jim Carrey movie, which happens to be a vampire movie:

Not even a female vampire can take Jonathon from me. And if one was to try, I'd knock all her teeth out, and shove them up her ass.

And in closing, I want to tell all the idiots who mocked Jonathon for being fat, you wish you looked as good as my hubby does now. And why does he looked this good? He was trained by a Russian. Not an American.