Monday, December 31, 2012

My letter to President Putin

I sent Putin's assistant at the Kremlin my individual letter for Putin. Here is his response
отлично..хорошее письмо...)я передав это Путину)

English translation:
 excellent .. good writing ...) I'm passing it to Putin)

Here is the English version of my letter

My president,

I appeal to you, in the hope that you reconsider the law prohibiting the adoption of Russian orphans by American families. As the mother of twin daughters, I hate to see crying mother Pauline, because you are his approval of the law did not allow her to take away his daughter in our common homeland of Russia in its new home in the United States.

President Putin, you are the father of Russia and Russian. I ask you, to show the love of a great father and authorizes the transfer of Pauline for permanent residence to the United States with his parents. And let the other orphans who have
  There are loving adoptive families in America, will move to the U.S.. Your kindness to Pauline show Obama and other world leaders your glory.

Adoptive parents love Pauline as you love your own daughters - Mary and Catherine. Pauline's parents never hurt her and never will not allow anyone to harm her. I ask you to change the law and let the orphans find loving families in the U.S..

Rachel Dolgorukov-Impaler-Sharkey

My letter to President Putin in Russian regards his ban on adoption.

Мой президент,

Я обращаюсь к вам, в надежде, что вы пересмотрите закон о запрете усыновления российских сирот американскими семьями. Как матери дочерей-близнецов, мне больно видеть, как плачет мама Полины, потому что вы своим одобрением закона не позволите ей увезти свою дочь из нашей общей родины России в ее новый дом в США.

Президент Путин, вы являетесь отцом России и русских. Прошу Вас, проявите любовь великого отца и санкционируйте переезд Полины на постоянное проживание в Америку с родителями. И пусть другие сироты, у которых имеются любящие приемные семьи в Америке, переедут в США. Ваша доброта к Полине покажет Обаме и другим мировым лидерам Ваше величие.

Приемные родители любят Полину так же, как вы любите своих родных дочерей - Марию и Екатерину. Родители Полины никогда не причинят ей вреда и никогда никому не позволят причинить ей вред. Я прошу Вас изменить закон и позволить сиротам обрести любящие семьи в США.

С уважением,
Рэйчел Долгорукова-Цепеш-Шарки

I will keep you updated. As of this moment, Jonathon and I are to meet with Putin at the Kremlin about this matter.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Take all the guns from Americans

It is no secret I want to be President Putin's successor. What I am about to write, are my thoughts as the future Empress of Russia.

3.5 months before my birth, my country collapsed. I believe the reasons are; 1) Mikhail Gorbachev was a pathetic idiot. A disgrace to the spirit of the USSR. 2) USA President Reagan was a determined leader, who wanted to defeat his foe. And to do so, without the use of military force. If Reagan would have been the leader of USSR, my country would have conquered the world.

Americans want to take the rights of gun ownership away from law abiding citizens. I hope this does happen, right after I succeed Putin. I will order Jonathon to have my military invade and conquer America.

I will not do this to hurt Americans. But, to make sure China nor another country invades USA.
I love making movies. There is no way, I want another country to take over Hollywood. I have the #1 film company in Russia. It is only right, if USA becomes vulnerable to invasion, I should be the one to do so.

There is no way I want to ruin Hollywood. So, I will protect it :))

I read a news story today. The article stated more Americans are killed and hurt each year by drunk drivers than gun violence.

To those who want to take guns away, if you want to protect Americans, you better start by taking away alcohol and cars. Because they hurt and kill more Americans than guns.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Gun rights

My American Friends, if you list to this idiot and those who support gun control, you will lose all the precious freedoms. The only people who will have guns, are criminals, terrorists, cops, military and the invading army who will take over USA.

If Americans lose their guns, and if I am president of Russia, I will conquer USA. Not to enslave you. But, to tell you government, how stupid they are. Then, I'll have them face a firing squad.

NBC should fire Costas for his comments Costas Comments. Your constitution gives you the right to have guns. Why would you want to give or lose this right? We have guns. If someone breaks into our home, they will be taken away in pieces.

Look at history. Citizens who lost their guns, lost their liberties and rights. Do you not think, there are terrorists cells in USA already?

My president is investing $770B to make Russia the most stocked military. Do you think any country would ever try to invade or attack Russia?

In August '12, I punched Jonathon in the face. If he didn't have self control, he could have beaten me to death.

I'm sure the football player in Kansas city could have snapped his girlfriend's neck. It seems, assholes who kill women with guns, don't have the guts to kill them with their hands. If they did, idiots would be calling for men to have their hands cut off.

People who want to kill, do not need a gun to do so. Guns, knifes, bats, swords, poisons and fists can be used as weapons. As well as for positive things.   Guns can be used to hunt for meat. Knifes can carve the meat. Bats can be used to play baseball. Swords chop up your prey to prepare to eat. Poisons can be used to kill bugs, mice and rats. And hands can be used by a surgeon to heal the sick.

Its how the holder of the object intends on using it. People should not judge everyone the same.